Clif High - Consciousness - It's everywhere, dude!

4 months ago


Hello, humans. Hello, humans. August 19. It's 819 a.m. And I wanted to pick up and take up this discussion on consciousness because there has been like something new with consciousness in spite of everything that I'm going to say subsequent to that statement. Okay, so this discussion is by way of relating consciousness and technology and space
aliens all together here. And what we're going to do is we're going to start at the trivium, the grammar, logic and rhetoric of the matter. Okay, so we're going to define the extent that we're thinking about consciousness such that we have good grammar. That is that, you know,
we have an absolute understanding or as near an absolute understanding as we can get of what we're actually speaking of and when we use these words, right? And so a lot of people use consciousness, and they're not really talking about consciousness. They're talking about some other aspect of our existence.
And they're just not using discrimination of mind to control their language in order to get across the idea that they're really intending to control. discuss. So first thing we're going to do is we're going to establish the parameters of consciousness. Consciousness is a very interesting subject, interesting object of a discussion because it's in many ways not quantifiable
because it's basically a situation of consciousness trying to discuss itself and through the medium of the material. So it can get very murky and very... disjointed and send you down cul-de-sacs and all of this kind of thing in the way of thinking so what we're going to do is we're going to start off with the the
basic premises here of consciousness so that we know exactly which aspects of it we're discussing and so we're talking about an ontological model we're talking about consciousness exists and from consciousness emerges everything else, including the materium and including the illusion of the solid reality in which we find ourselves existing in our lives.
So the premise is that consciousness creates the materium, not the other way around. So Einstein et al. would have you believe that the grit of the materium exists And if it is somehow aggluterated to a specific formula, protocol, or whatever, consciousness arises from that glom-together grit. So we're not discussing that kind of a model, which is...
not factual, and is extremely misleading, and it destroys your ability to get at real science. What we're discussing is consciousness, and we can discuss it even at the level of the definition of consciousness as chaitanya in Sanskrit, right, or also chit, also called chit. Okay, so... We can establish these basic principles.
One is that consciousness is not part of our body or our brain or our mind. Okay, so people have consciousness within them even when they're in a coma, even when their mind is shut off. They still are conscious in that sense. And even when you shut off the mind with...
temporarily with anesthetics and so on and people come back from surgery where their mind you know brainwave readings show that their mind is not active and maybe the subconscious is burbling along a bit but everything else is shut down for the surgery right And they come back from that surgery,
and they know and can tell the doctors and nurses and stuff what went on while they were unconscious. Okay, so they were unaware, really, is what was going on. They were unconscious, but they were not without consciousness. So this is where it gets into some of these tricky little understandings.
Okay, so this is the first premise, or first... supporting statement, and that is that consciousness, in our definition here, is not part of your body. You can have an out-of-body experience, and in that out-of-body experience, you are not aware of what's going on in your body. You can even do this at mundane levels, like hypnosis.
You need not have near-death experience or horrific levels of drugs in order to induce it. You can do it with hypnosis. And in that hypnotic state, you're not aware of pain or these other things that are impacting your body, but you're still quite conscious. And you're in a hypnotic state, of course, but you still have consciousness.
Okay, so consciousness is not part of our body and does not arise from the grit. Okay, so... The second thing we can note is that consciousness is apart from our body, but that it pervades, and we can even think of it as illuminating our body, right? And it enables the body and the mind to function.
Without consciousness, there is no function there. So we know at the level of... molecular physics that rocks and inanimate matter has and is expressing some level of consciousness. You just have to accept that statement or reject it. It doesn't matter at this stage,
but I'm just throwing it in there because I'm not going to divert to go down to how we know this and all of that sort of thing. But nonetheless, the rock has some level of consciousness in it, although it is not in any way conscious. Now, you can have... non-conscious bodies that have consciousness.
But you can't have a non-consciousness state and have any form of life, basically. And so if a body has no consciousness in it, it will degrade and deteriorate. And as, okay, so we can just think of it as number two. The consciousness is apart from our body, but it pervades and illuminates the body and the mind,
and it enables it to function. So in that sense, it's as though we are taking in the sun's rays. And you feel the warmth and so on, and that's how we're getting our consciousnesses from an outside source, so to speak, right? Consciousness is not limited by our body and mind. We know this.
We can prove this through meditation, through remote viewing. We can see the future. And we think we can see the past, but there's very little validation of that unless you actually have the receipts, right? You know, you remote view a treasure and you go over there and you dig in the appropriate area and you find it.
Okay, cool. Then you have indeed remote viewed the past. But, you know, if you're remote viewing... some kind of supposed interaction between one group and another. You have no way of getting any receipts for that. So I'm going to just discard it at this point as being meaningful in our discussion of things. However, we know that consciousness...
provides us the ability for our conscious mind and its awareness to leave our bodies and yet still exist and function and return with useful information, as I say, in the form of remote viewing and so on. But, okay, so let me make an aside, but this is not to say that all of these
altered body states and altered mind states produce things or results at the same level of value as remote viewing. So in my opinion, channeling, which is, you can get into the details of why that doesn't work, but it's also not the same thing at all as remote viewing. has no relationship to it at all.
Anyway, so this is our third thing, is that consciousness is not limited by our body and mind. You can go places with your consciousness and your conscious mind, and you're out of your body, right? So in this sense, consciousness, which is outside of us, which is the consciousness that created the materium, it actually like...
shines through into the mind and causes, in that process, the mind to function. And an aspect of the mind is awareness. And so you become aware, you become self-aware, You become aware of your experience of consciousness, and part of yourself is consciousness itself. Consciousness is known by us as...
through being experienced by the mind and the body, by us. So you know you have consciousness because you are aware of yourself and your mind and your body and its motion and action and so on. You don't have a little pop-up timer or anything that tells us that you have consciousness.
You experience consciousness and using that experience causes you to interact with the rest of the materium and in that you are interacting with other encapsulated bits of consciousness. So when you interact with another human, they have the same level of consciousness as you. So it is not true, for instance, okay, so let me stop.
So number four here, or perhaps number one should have been, because we're starting off from an ontological, and we'll actually say that this is our zero premise, okay? Not even, it is the first premise. So of all of our premise, premise I hear, right? And the first premise is that consciousness is, is inviolate.
Okay, it can't be changed. No amount of anything can change consciousness because consciousness produces everything. So you can't put more energy into consciousness because consciousness is what produces all energy. I happen to think it produces it in the form of sending this pulse 22 trillion times per second. This pulse is variously described as time.
by various scientists but nonetheless so consciousness produces everything including all the energy within the materium which is derived from this creation pulse 22 trillion times per second the materium is created and then destroyed and then recreated and that causes impulse to exist within the materium and from impulse we get all other forms of energy
Now, so consciousness is inviolate. It can't be changed. So people making statements like, okay, and then let's also make the extension that consciousness wants us. to exist and so it creates the soul layer. And the soul layer is a layer of vibration that allows consciousness to place little tiny pieces of itself, so to speak,
into these soul containers such that those little bits of consciousness may participate in the illusion of separation from larger consciousness and may participate in the illusion, the maya, of time, motion, life, birth, aging, death, all of that, right? That is all an illusion that is created for us by our soul. We exist within our soul.
Our souls are extra dense layers of vibration that are created by consciousness. And Tesla knew this. Nikola Tesla knew this. And that's why he was always talking about frequency and vibration are the secret to the universe. Consciousness creates these soul containers and puts little bits of itself in all of them, and thereafter we all experience reality.
So tell me, where is the difference between that and a simulation? It's not meaningful. If someone says, oh, we live in a simulated reality, it's like, okay, fine. How is that different from a real reality? Since we have no motion, there is no grit, There is no solid surface or anything.
The only reason you think that is because of your sensory perceptions encountering the pulse at the 22 trillion times a second, giving you the feedback of a solid surface. So in that sense, solidity itself is an illusion, and we never move. There is no motion anywhere within reality. There is motion only in the materium,
and it is an illusion that is created for us by our souls, which our souls can be thought of as energy transformers, right? Because they take energy from consciousness and transform it into the experience that we have here. One of those experiences that we have here is the experience of consciousness from within our body and mind.
Grand consciousness, super consciousness, bliss, the ultimate chit, the ultimate mind, can't know isolation, can't experience consciousness in a mind or a body because it has neither. And so we were created for that purpose, to experience consciousness within a mind and a body in the limitations of time and space to a smaller extent.
If the body is removed from the equation, consciousness is not experienced any longer. Same thing with the mind. You can actually have some, there's an argument to be made that the body can experience consciousness even if the mind is destroyed. But at that point it's kind of moot because you won't have an awareness,
a conscious awareness of that experience. And that's where we get into the material or the non-material important aspects here. So here's some more statements that need to be considered. While consciousness cannot be changed, it can't be grown or improved on or put more energy into any of that,
we do discover that things within the materium constantly are in a state of change, only exist in a state of flux and change. In fact, if you get into ontological physics and reality, you find out that, as I'm stating, reality is fluxing in and out at a rate of 22 trillion times per second.
Anyway, so consciousness cannot be changed, but... Mind is variable. Body is variable. The state of your mind and the state of your body is variable and varies from second to second to second. These two in their turn cause your perception to be variable. Your perception is variable. how you are receiving the input from your various sensors,
your skin, your ears, your tongue, your snout, and your eyes, that kind of thing, even your hair. All of these things are perception sensors. Your perception in total is varied by how those are functioning on the underlying health of your body, as well as how well they're wired in, so to speak,
and how they are doing in and of the moment in this constantly changing materium that's constantly fluxing in and out of reality, of a state of existence. Okay, so awareness, which is a mental experience, right? I'm aware of a hammer slamming into my toe and the pain and so on.
I'm aware of driving, even though I may go into a nearby cogitationless state in doing so, just reacting to the circumstances, I am aware of driving. So getting body feedback produces part of the awareness, and then the mind perceiving that body feedback produces the other part of the awareness,
and the perception is built in because it's what allows you to perceive the reality around you as though that reality included motion, time, and change. Okay? So, the experience of you within your soul container, which is vibrating much faster than your actual consciousness bit, and thus that soul vibrates and becomes a barrier, a perceptible barrier,
producing a feeling of isolation, etc., and getting the information through that. All of these things allow the experience of your consciousness, your awareness of that consciousness, to vary. But your consciousness underlying it does not vary. You have the same level of consciousness that you had the moment you became aware of your body,
which is not necessarily the same time you were born. And in fact, for most people, it's several months later. Sometimes many months. So you have to understand that the nature of consciousness is outside of you and you cannot impact your consciousness. You can change things about how you experience that consciousness.
And you should do things to change how you experience consciousness. And all of our religious literature, no matter where you go, can be read as incentivizing and encouraging you to alter your awareness of consciousness by actively doing things to alter those things that are variable for you, such as the state of your body,
the state of your mind, and the state of your perception. And thus, all the religions everywhere are urging you to meditate. And in order to meditate, you need to get your body in as good a shape as possible and to be able to control your perception. And get in as good a shape as possible as well.
And so your experience of consciousness is actually enhanced by being a meditator. Now, so now we've got to get into other divergence. We could go on and on and on about all of these various different aspects, but we need to get into the point of this,
which is that if you examine this from the idea of an ontological perception or a premise for reality, that reality is created from consciousness, the materium is created, All of the stuff we have, all the stars, galaxies, all that crap is created by consciousness and ourselves included. Then it becomes evident that that same consciousness...
logically should pervade space aliens, should be available to the space aliens. That it is logical that the space aliens are operating in the same, especially since they're using ontologically based physics, right? Physics that is not the Einsteinian grip model, but physics that uses an ontological creation model as its inception point.
especially because they use that and demonstrate that level of physics, we can assume, it is wise to assume in my opinion, that these creatures have at least the same level of consciousness available to them as we have. And on a personal note, my experience in hyperspace, admittedly under the influence of psychedelics,
but it's also backed up by other people that have gone into hyperspace, is that consciousness within hyperspace all aspects of hyperspace is exactly the same kind of consciousness that I am expressing, even if it is not expressing it in the same form of a body or a mind. But the Condor line consciousness is exactly the same.
So it's my assumption and my premise, my talking point here, that consciousness available to space aliens is the same as it's available to us human guys or dogs or whatever. And the difference between us and dogs and cats and so on is not our expression of consciousness, but it is our minds.
The mind being variable to a greater extent in us than in dogs. And thus the mind gets in the way of our expression of consciousness. And it also gets in the way of our perception of what we are experiencing and how it comes about. The mind also gets in the way of our perceiving our bodies.
So it's the dog's mind that is the separation point between us as beings, not the consciousness. I have no more consciousness in me than there is in the smallest puppy. It is not true, though, for all species. So consciousness, as we find in insects, is indeed different in terms of how it is functioning.
We can get into that at some other point. It's the same underlying consciousness, it's just not encapsulated in the same fashion. So you can discard people that are saying, oh, the Pleiadians are great super beings because they have had this technology for 10,000 more years than us, and they've gone through a quantum leap in consciousness.
And thus they are this, you know, incredible super species, right? Horseshit, absolute rank horseshit needs to go in the compost pile. There's no difference in the consciousness between ourselves and any of these space aliens. Even if they've had... superior technology for 10,000 years more than us, it does not in any way affect their consciousness.
It may cause their minds and bodies and their perceptions to be more finely tuned, and thus their awareness of stuff might be able to be described as far superior to that of humans, right, or any human or most humans. But the consciousness underlying it is exactly the same. And
Again, they can't alter their consciousness any more than we can alter ours. The nature of the materium is not as the gritologists would have you understand it, and the more you understand the ontological viewpoint, then you grasp why things like nuclear or electric bombs, where we rip an electron out of an outer shell in an atom,
or supposed hydrogen bombs in which we theoretically destroy the neutron of the hydrogen atom, should not be used anywhere under any circumstances because they affect the materium as a whole. Anyway, so 10,000 more years advanced than us in technology is meaningless in the discussion about consciousness. But here's something that is quite meaningful relative to this.
The UFO guys showing up here, you can assume they have the same level of consciousness, but they may be quite superior in their level of cognition and their abilities and so on. It doesn't mean they're going to be any more moral than you or any more altruistic, driven by needs other than their own.
And so you can't assume that they're here to help you or anything. There may indeed be some that for their own reasons, they are desirous of assisting us. But they're doing that out of their own reasons. They're not doing it voluntarily. out of pure uh you know pure expression of uh galactic love or anything along those
lines so i'm not saying that all aliens are evil but i'm also ex explicitly excluding the idea that all aliens are good just because they have this technology because they won't have any more advanced consciousness, and that's at the basis of all morality. However, it is true that in general, if you have an ontological view of reality,
you do have a different basis for your daily perception. Your awareness of mind and body experiencing consciousness will be different, and your social order will be different and driven by different needs than are being expressed within the gritology world. And to that extent, such an understanding would be less harmful, less irritating, so to speak,
to interact with than our own. our gritology, you know, I got mind jack kind of an approach, right? So as an ontological perceiver, ontological viewpoint perceiver, I have a different viewpoint on other beings because I can truly say, well, like Max Egan in Lakesh or Namaste, right? The God in me salutes the God in you.
So that I understand that we are the same level of consciousness, however diluted and distorted your mind and perception and awareness might be that might be bringing us into conflict. We are expressing the same level of consciousness. We are all in the same level of soul container, etc., And no, just as an aside,
I do not subscribe to the theory or ascribe to the theory that souls are a trap or a prison or any of that. Life is indeed suffering, and that is one of the requirements for the goal that we're here to achieve, which is another discussion entirely.
In any event, okay, so now we've got to get into the third aspect of this. So it's consciousness, space aliens, and now we need to talk about stuff and people and matter, okay? And so some of the matter we need to talk about is crystals. We can begin there. So Kozyrev, this astrophysicist...
mathematics genius Russian scientist of the last century did a lot of work on time and he proved all of these various aspects of time including that it had density and could be altered and could be stored and all these different kinds of things
and he wrote all these books on it if you go to Amazon and just put in Cozy Rib K-O-Z-Y-R-E-V. Yeah, Kozyrev, and you'll get into his experiments. The ones you want are on time. There's another Kozyrev there, and I think he does physics, another Russian by that name, who's also got books published.
But the one you're after is the Kozyrev on time books. if you want to get into it. They're very dense. They're just listings of his experiments. You get the conclusions in the notes throughout the book, but it's not like it's organized to provide it to you in a spoon-fed fashion.
So you've got to be prepared to read scientific literature. Anyway... So Kozyrev made these things like Kozyrev's mirrors, which were time-effective mirrors that were made out of extremely polished aluminum. And this aluminum was extremely pure. It had all kinds of things done to it in the smelting process.
It was very labor-intensive, and this is in the old Soviet era. Union days, before the collapse of the Soviet Union. And when they made these mirrors, they employed metallurgists, and it was quite the production, right? They had to make these, I think they made three. We read about one being successful.
So it was kind of hit or miss is my understanding. But these things are sheets of aluminum that were like, I think they're like nine, seven to nine feet high. I think they were nine feet high. So they were three meters, okay? They were three meters wide. And they stood up on their ends, on their edge.
But it was a long sheet of aluminum that was spiraled into a... It was created and put on a roller while it was hot and stuff and converted to a spiral. And then it was polished and they just polished and polished and polished for damn
ever because of the nature of aluminum oxide and getting at the underlying aluminum. And what they were after, what Cozy Rev was after was an alignment through the friction process of the polishing as well as the heat that it put in at a local level. an alignment of all of the surface crystals of the aluminum sheet.
And I think I read that his supposition was that they'd got like 58% of that when they'd stopped. So they'd got, in his estimation, with microscopic analysis, they'd align the crystals of the underlying aluminum, which he had to look through the aluminum oxide to get at,
but they'd aligned the crystals of 58% of all of the surface crystals in these aluminum sheets for his mirror. So, I mean, they really worked at it. This thing went on for months, the polishing. Then they put it into this spiral, and in the middle was this telephone booth or slightly larger space that humans could walk into,
and then it really screwed over your mind being there because of the effects of the, reflective surface and the concentration of the spiral on time itself. And it distorted your brain and all this other stuff. Anyway, so without that, okay, so leaving the merits aside, we focus in on the idea that he was after crystals here.
He was after the reflective aspect, temporally reflective aspect of the surface crystals of the aluminum itself. This is a continuation of Kozyrev's interest in crystals when he discovered that he could alter time in a local environment by doing things as simple as dissolving crystals of sugar or salt in liquids, hot or cold.
You got less time effect on cold than you did on hot liquids. But he could actually alter the nature of time. He's been able to alter the nature of time and gravity by doing a number of relatively simple things that basically are all focused on frequency and altering
the frequency of some aspect of that thing within what it's doing. So if you take a lead weight and put it on like a paint shaker, right? So it just rocks back and forth, and you rock it back and forth very, very rapidly with maybe even less than a half an inch variation of the movement of
the lead weight. You can actually add more weight to it. You can make gravity react to it and make it heavier, so to speak, and that heaviness wears off over time. And so it is also altering, because of Cozy Rip's supposition, it's also really altering the time, and that's affecting the gravity.
just by shaking this thing really fast, right? And we're talking about shaking it at serious levels. four and five hundred oscillations per second for several minutes will produce more weight in your lead weight or iron weight than you started out with. Kozyrev also noticed that lead,
which is a non-crystalline metal in terms of how it is naturally occurring, is different in accumulating changes than is iron, which is crystalline in terms of how it sets up. So at some level, Kozyrev discovered and discussed that crystals in and of themselves are a sign of a particular aspect of our reality,
a particular aspect of the material, and that that aspect in and of itself, in the shape of the crystal, has effects within our reality. So in some cases you add time, other cases by creating crystals you reduce time in the local environment. So when you're crystallizing sugar, you're sucking time out of that local environment, so to speak.
It's not time in the sense of duration. It's time in the sense of the underlying pulse. So that needs to be qualified, and it gets real deep when you go into it from there. Okay, so this is also true, and this is probably why we see crystal structures throughout history, especially in our storytelling and mythos,
show up as power things, right? It's because of the stuff that Kozyrev has discovered about crystals, right? So, you know, so the idea that there were, you know, crystal controls in Atlantis and you see this in the movies and there's all these, you know,
big ass crystals around is likely because of this understanding by us at some level and coming down through history that of what Cozy Red discovered about crystals interacting with the temporal part of our material. and thus a lot of the other aspects like gravity, etc.
So the other aspect of what we have to consider with crystals is the pervasive nature of crystalline structures through the material. Everything, sugar, sand, naturally occurring, you have crystals of, you have like, silicon in every one of your cells a crystalline uh an element that wants to be
crystalline by its nature so we find that that there are crystalline substances everywhere there's crystals and um uh the elements for forming crystals easily, even when they're circulating within our own body. We find that various aspects of things within us are crystalline in nature, including our circulating melanin.
Melanin is the substance that gives us color in our skin. The more you have, the darker you're going to have skin color. Melanin is when it is expressed within our skin, a crystalline sort of a structure that actually has a higher level of reflectivity than the other substances in the cells around it, right? The plasma, et cetera.
Melanin circulates. It goes into your pineal gland. Your pineal gland is the storehouse for melanin. it produces melatonin as a result of melanin levels in the circulation flow. You have melanin circulating in the same way that you have lymph and blood circulating within your system. Okay, for different reasons, of course. Now,
so you have within you many substances that are crystalline in nature, and your brain is in fact a... A quasicrystal. It is a carbon-based energy-transforming device. It's organic, but it's still a device for the transformation of energy. And it's a superconductor because it does all of this at room temperatures.
It doesn't need to be hyper-cold or anything, and it's extremely fast. So it's a carbon-based supercomputer, really. And it is crystalline in nature, or quasicrystals is what they call them. But there are, in fact, many crystalline elements within the chemistry of your brain, and you can go and research this on your own.
So, hang on, let me go back. Okay, so there's aspects of your physiology, your biochemistry, even the grosser aspects of things like circulating red blood cells and so on that are expressing a crystalline or quasi-crystal nature all the way up to and including your brain. It's a supposition in a...
a recent examination of things by some people engaged in consciousness research and science, that it may well be that the materium is using crystals in our bodies and stuff as our connection to consciousness. And there's some evidence that the... level of crystalline structures within your physiology may relate to your ability
to have awareness and experience consciousness okay not that it so there so there may be it may be that the materium is using the crystalline state of our bodies and brains and so on as the constraints on our awareness and our experience of consciousness at a moment-by-moment level. Now, in that sense, there exists the potential,
at at least a theoretical level, that one could alter the crystalline nature of whatever it is that actually connects us to the the source of consciousness and increase some aspect of that or attribute of that area and thus experience consciousness at a greater level of awareness, but you're not changing the consciousness itself.
And then, okay, so there's that. Now, then I have to back up and go into this mind-to-machine interface stuff that we think we've discovered, that my old farts group and I think we've discovered in this ancient literature. Within that... we find references to the experience of consciousness relative to being plugged
into these machines in order to control them, and specific dietary things that the space aliens used to do to their human slaves in order to get a more harmonious carbon-based supercomputer working their devices. A lot of these things appear to be doing... to be affecting those attributes of the body that have that more crystalline nature within them.
And we see this in their altering and discussions in this literature of circulating melanin. So there may be some historic or ancient literature backing for those people that are doing investigations into the materium and our experience of it at a consciousness level, exploring crystals and that potential as a connection to consciousness.
So I can sort of drop that one there. And so basically we have mind crystals, right? We have crystals in the brain that are aspects of our experience of consciousness and our own minds and ourself. And we note that crystals are famous for resonance and for frequency and so on.
Okay, so then there's another aspect of all of this stuff. One more item to note, and then I'll let this discussion go. So the final note on the crystal stuff here is that those people that are investigating the ether, and we even see this if you read your Boscovich, the last chapter in Boscovich there,
his Theory of Natural Philosophy book, you see that those people that are investigating the ether are describing their investigations into the ether in a way that is curious relative to this discussion here. In that they're saying that the ether goes through sort of a stage, right? And that there's various different kinds of ether.
There's the firmament, which is ether that doesn't move. That was mistranslated in the Bible and the flat earthers are being hooked on it. as a word salad that was created by the Department of Defense to fuck with their minds. But nonetheless here, the ethereists, scientists that are dissecting the ether,
are discovering that the matter is created from the ether and it goes through an intermediate stage of that they are describing as protocrystals. And that these protocrystals are arising from lattice work that assembles itself in the form of the platonic solids. And oh, by the way,
it would appear that there are many more platonic solids than those few of which we are aware as a species. And so some of the people within the ether research are in essence saying pointing to the same kind of stuff as Terence Howard in his patents and stuff relative to shapes and their function within our reality.
Okay, so the ethereists, hang on, there's another one of those. Okay, sorry about that. And I don't have time to go back and edit out the telephone calls and that sort of thing. I just have a lot of interruptions here, especially on a Monday. Anyway, so the ether is formed energetically and converts energy into matter.
And that conversion process involves a protocrystal, which you'd have to go in and look up this stuff, the lattice work and so on of these platonic solids that basically emerge and create all of matter. And so that's the last connection there for consciousness, that even at the level of the ether, at its base,
we find a crystalline structure involved in, as I say, these platonic solid protocrystals. Okay, and then one other note here is that in the old literature relating to the mind-machine interface, we've come across an interesting item that sort of relates to this in a sense because it was discovered by way of this.
exploration of crystals and the melanin and the circulating melanin and so on, trying to suss out details of the mind-machine interface that the Elohim, the Anunnaki, the space aliens, used on humans. Anyway, it turns out that there was investigations back in a day when it was... Okay, so it was just like the Bible.
This stuff was written down sometimes many years, maybe centuries, after it actually happened. So, you know, it's estimated... Well, none of the people that are mentioned in the Bible were alive at the time that it was being written. Any aspect of it. Okay, so... Same is true of the Torah.
A lot of the underlying literature appears to have been touched in some way by Greek. So we find even in some of the pre-Sanskrit languages from which Sanskrit theoretically developed or evolved, we find references that are fundamentally Greek in their... in their etymology, in their use grammatically.
So that's a curious thing there, nonetheless, or without regard to that. The older literatures describe civilizations in which things like remote viewing and the various aspects of those kinds of extrasensory perception were acknowledged and used. So you find examples of humans being used to do remote viewing and great battles in some of the Hindu literature.
This sort of thing. Anyway, one of the more systematic and scientifically focused threads within a lot of this literature has discussions about applying... things like clairvoyance, and there's clairaudience, et cetera, hearing clearly, hearing the future and hearing sounds and stuff from the future, that sort of thing.
But they were talking about future seeing or remote sight, so to speak. and how this was enhanced by these various techniques, some of which we find in yoga today. But these techniques were described as coming from the Elohim and being forced on their human subjects, right? And so
But one of the curious parts of that is that there is a note that we've seen now in several different places written in different language across different time periods that goes to the same effect. And that is that unlike... And this was interesting. Unlike the Elohim, and presumably some other space aliens as well,
the seat of consciousness within humans, which could be located, they had our brains mapped down to the point where they knew exactly where in our brain the mind-machine interface connected and how it was all functioned. And I know all this information and all of us old farts are sworn not to reveal it to inappropriate parties, right?
Because of the nature of this information. But nonetheless, without regard to that, a lot of regardlesses here. The seed of consciousness of humans cannot be remote viewed. It can't be viewed in a clairvoyant fashion. And that the result of doing that, whether it's done on humans or other,
and that was the word used in one of this other, in one of this, the literature that we were getting into, was viewed by some other beings. We don't know if it's Elohim or whoever, but it was someone that reported to an Elohim, and they were non-human, and they were reporting that they could not
use clairvoyance and see the seat of consciousness in humans. They could see where it is located, but whenever they got into looking at it, it was basically a black hole that would just suck you right on in. And so, just a very interesting little note about this. You know, there may be something that is...
extraordinary about the way that humanity is expressing consciousness within the materium. And it may be also that that was what made us attractive to the Elohim as, you know, carbon-based semiconductor quasi-computer slaves. Just interesting. We're going to pursue that not being able to be remote viewed component of this and see where it goes.
It's very difficult in all of this. Most of the literature we want to get at has not been translated. Most of it has not even been scanned. So we have references to, you know, hymns and ages and people and writers and this kind of thing that it's like, well, you know,
It may indeed survive in some ancient repository of books, but so far it's not available to us or this sort of thing. So it becomes a lot of dead ends. Nonetheless, you get these clues occasionally. So seeing it in one spot, it was quite interesting, very intriguing.
And then to see it in another spot separated by probably 600 years and in a different set of circumstances and context that humans can't be have our seat of consciousness remote viewed, and that it was dangerous to try and do this, even human to human, was just quite extraordinary, just very interesting.
And then all of this other stuff on the seat of consciousness being perhaps crystalline in nature, it's just, as I say, quite curious. Anyway, guys, it's been going on long enough. I've got more phone calls, and I've got some scheduled meetings here, so we'll wrap this one up.

Aether Pirates of the Matterium!


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