Hugh Owen: Discovering Truth in unexpected Places (part 1)

4 months ago

A conversation with Mr Hugh Owen, director of the Catholic Kolbe Centre for Creation Studies:

Hugh Owen was raised in a highly succesful and well connected secular family. His father was the first assistent secretary general of the United Nations and also the first chairman of Planned Parenthood international. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his achievements. In short, Hugh was an unlikely candidate for orthodox Catholic faith.

Still today he no longer believes the evolutionist worldview of his youth. Instead he has been persuaded to believe in Scripture and Creation as the fathers of the Church, and Prophets and Apostles before them taught it. This was initiated with a moral shift and reaching out to God, merely to try out whether there was truth there or not. It all started with praying a sinner's prayer of repentance as a 17 year old.

Join me listening to Hugh Owen's testimony and spiritual views on Scripture and Creation.

The authority of the Bible and a litteral creation are not intellectual stumbling blocks for Catholic Christians, but opportunities to explore truth and to live in greater harmony with God. It is difficult to maintain a relationship with Christ as bridegroom of the Church if we distrust his actions and his Word. Also, biblical creation is not about anti-intellectualism or anti-science, but about observing truth from the premise of Divine revelation.

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