Saturn ??? Saturnus ????

6 months ago

Saturn is named after the Roman God Saturnus. It’s not a coincidence that Saturn is called, “The Lord of the Rings”.

If Lord = God, then is it possible that during a wedding ceremony, we are giving our energy to Saturn through the exchange of rings?

Is it a coincidence that most people get married on a Saturday (Saturn’s Day)? It’s also more costly to marry on Saturday, so we also give away the energy of money to the Saturn cult.

The truth about the Saturn cult has been hidden for millennia. Now is the time of the great awakening when this material is coming to light.

We’ve all been tricked. Our educational systems will never teach us the true meaning of Saturn because our culture has been hijacked in order for us to unknowingly give our collective energy to Saturn.

Thank you for your time,

Much love,


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