Flexible Dog Finds The Greatest Hide-N-Seek Place

6 years ago

We tend to think of cats as these great hiders. But this is, I think, mostly because they are great at ambushing people. To be a successful ambusher you have to be a pretty good hider. What we do not talk about is how great dogs can be at hiding when they want to be. For an example, we have this video starring a dog named Honor and her surprisingly great hiding spot.

There are a number of questions we have including how did that dog find that spot? And what is going in with that chair that the dog can fit so completely within it? And just for own curiosity, but what does the knob in that silver bit of the chair do? I don’t know. But let us now move on to briefly discuss hide and seek the game. It may be one of the world’s oldest children’s game and is an example of oral tradition as it is commonly passed from child to child through telling and not as much through adults.

There a number of variations across the globe and it is played by children the world over. There is some evidence that points to the game being around since the 2nd century! We also have paintings featuring the game from the Age of Enlightenment in Renaissance Europe. One of our favorite variations of the game is Sardines where in one person hides but as seekers find him they become hiders but they have to stay with the original hider until the last seeker finds the entire group. Also, the French term for hide and seek is pretty humorous to an English speaker as it is called jeu de cache-cache. Cache means hidden in French.

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