Confused Protesters Hit With Reality

6 months ago

Outside of every AIPAC Policy Conference exists a large protest of anti-Israel individuals. Although these individuals gather to counter the support for Israel, they are definitely not a monolithic group and some have extremely dangerous views, while others are sold lies in order to get them to reject Jewish self-determination or empowerment.

Unfortunately, many of these protesters don’t even know what they are doing there, and have been manipulated into believing that everyone attending the conference has a fixed set of wicked opinions, that corporate interest groups choose who gets to participate in the conference, that a solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is being secretly developed inside while intentionally leaving Palestinians out of the conversation, and that Israelis/Zionists are political abstract monsters that represent the source of evil in this world.

This is without mentioning the fact that most of these protestors have absolutely no understanding of what Zionism represents in theory and in practice, nor do they have much factual knowledge on the region’s history and conflict. Instead, they are subconsciously trained to repeat the same empty blanket statements rather than thinking critically and realizing that the conflict cannot be understood through a lens that views the solutions to the problems as a zero-sum game.

Although many Palestinians are there that truly care about their own future, most of the protesters are just riding off of Palestinian suffering as political ammunition to attack Israel’s legitimacy, to demonize Israel, and to hold double standards that causes the world to conclude that Israel/the Jewish People are a problem that needs to be eradicated.

If one truly cares about Palestinians, they must not be pro-Palestinian as a cover for being anti-Israel. There is no solution where one or both populations disappear, so the only way to move forward is for both sides to find organic ways to come together and establishing a reality that both can exist without the cost for existence being the other.

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Video Produced by Leibman Productions
In collaboration with J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance.

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