🔋🇩🇪 Trump statement on the commie green woke socialist deindustrialisation Agenda

6 months ago

🇺🇸🔋🇩🇪 Trump: Germany, as you know, did the same thing we did, and that was the end of Merkel because her entire economy collapsed and her new government is building coal-fired power plants everywhere because otherwise Germany is doomed.
So why do we continue to follow the path of those who have already failed? They tried, but failed. Why don't we create powerful energy sources instead of these wind toys that destroy everything, kill our birds, destroy our fields?
Do you want to see a bird cemetery? Just look under the wind turbines.
Everything that is happening is green fraud . Shame! I am for clean energy, clean water and clean air, but you can't destroy your country because of it.

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