Rose Medical Center Denies My Right to Be Seen by a M.D

1 month ago

Every human being has the Right to be not seen by only one M.D., but 2 M.D.’s when requested if the patient does feel that their condition was not properly treated. A PA-C is not a M.D. it is a Physician’s Assistant not a person with a Medical Degree or Doctrine in Medicine that is a M.D. A PA-C has almost as much power as a Licensed Doctor and have broken so many Tier 4 HIPAA Violations, Rules and Regulations. It shouldn’t matter what I say or how I say it should be based on my vitals and I deserve the same protocol as any human with a BP of 182/121 Pulse of 91 my Oxygen is 85, no drugs or alcohol in my urine and blood work and my toe nails are bleeding and blackish blue and my chest and heart hurt. A sex offender and a violent offender are treated and I am neither and the past two years have been miss treated In unspeakable ways no one could imagine. There is something wrong with me that is not my fault. I have a mutation inside of me caused by RF. Testing PCS Cell Sites at night for a member of winters is what caused it. Peace

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