Pikmin (GCN - 2001) playthrough, part 24/24 - Days 28-29, the final battle, Secret Safe recovered

6 months ago

It's back to The Final Trial to deal with the end boss and recover the last ship part so Olimar can return home to Hocotate. The final battle against the Emperor Bulblax really highlights the terrible, almost nonexistent, camera controls. I don't have enough time to get the Secret Safe the Bulblax coughs up back to the ship on day 28, but am able to easily get it there on day 29, with one day to spare. Olimar leaves behind the Pikmins' planet and I'm shown how poorly I did compared to the other time I played through this. After being forced to save, the credits roll followed by an enemy roll call. I never encountered a Mamuta or Smoky Progg. I did encounter a Goolix in The Impact Site during attempts I didn't keep, but I guess during what I kept, I avoided its sphere of influence where it would pop out of the ground to attack.

Played on a GameCube using composite out, running it through a RetroTINK 5X-Pro to an Elgato HD60 X capture card. Recorded in OBS Studio.

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