Educational Purposes Only..!

2 months ago

The Devils Bargain The Best Customer for Big Pharma are Young Sick Children Because they Don’t Die, They need Lifelong Management

• when a child gets sick from a chronic condition, (e.g. diabetes, obesity, kidney disease etc.) they go on a lifetime medication all the while, these children keep racking up more comorbitities 💰If you’re diabetic, you have an average of four other comorbitities

“So [children] don’t die, they just suffer. so that’s very good for the medical system; to get these chronic conditions that need to be managed.”

• This is occuring largely because of our food system, which ultra processed foods are hijacking’s our cells.

• The Devils Bargain is that you’d think the medical industry would speak out about why Americans are getting sicker, but they don’t. they teach medical students it’s because Americans are just lazy. never root causes they’re complicit, as for example, companies like Coca-Cola give money to the American diabetes Association, when they basically sell diabetes water.

Know Who The Real Enemies Are, Corruption And Criminalization’s At Its Highest And Finest..


🚨 #PayAttentionAndListen #IfYourMindProgrammedThisNotForYou #ThisTheInformationTheyDontWantUsToKnow #WeInAInformationalWarefareRightNow #WeInASpiritualWarefareRightNow #DontBeASheeple #DontLetThemDistractYouFromWhatsReallyHappening #WeStillInModernDaysSlavery #FuckTheSystem #FuckTheElites #TruthOverRich #FactsOfOurLifes 👁✊🏾👍🏾💯

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