Never Talk On A Phone And Skate At The Same Time

6 years ago

There are many “never do that when” but I have to admit I have never heard anyone saying “Never talk on your cell phone while you are ice skating!” But after watching this video it might become more common than we think! LOL! Want to know why? Just click play, and you’ll see! Plus, it’s so hilarious that you really don’t want to miss watching this one! This video shows a young man who is ice skating indoors, and at the same time, he talks on his phone. You can easily tell that his attention is divided between those two actions and when it slips more to the talking part, he loses his balance and falls on ice like a log! LOL! So, there you go! It may sound silly, that there’s a whole lot of truth in “Never talk on your cell phone while you are ice skating!” LOL!

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