XB1X Quake II Remastered G4, 2P local splitcreen Team Deathmatch on Misty Heights, Dungeon-like map.

7 months ago

We stepped into a map that's different from the others. One the looks like a dungeon, thanks to it's brick walls. I think this could be a User created map. But I did had a hard time on this one. There are large rooms. Vid timeline:

(0:00) Intro.

(4:35) Match begins.


Game settings:


Run Attract Demos: Yes.
Weapon Hand: Right.
Change Weapon on Pickup: Smart.
Auto Power Shield: Auto.
Always Run (Controller): No.
View Bob: Yes.
Display HUD: Yes.
Teammate Indicators: Yes.
Hit Markers: Yes.

Crosshair Settings:

Style: 3.
Scale: 10.
Alpha: 10.
Red: 10.
Green: 10.
Blue: 10.

Level Select: Team Deathmatch.
Use Map List: Off.
Map: MGDM1: Misty Heights.
Q2DM8: Warehouse.

Bot Settings:
Minimum Players: 6
Bot Skill: Training.
Enable Bot Chat: Yes.

Mode Settings:
Time Limit: 20.
Frag Limit: 30.
Game Modifier: Random Weapons.
Friendly Fire: Off.
Instant Weapon Switch: Off.
Weapon Stays: Off.
Weapon Respawn Time: 60.
Automatic Teams: Off.
Allow Grapple Hook: Off.
Allow Techs: On.
Infinite Ammo: No.
Falling Damage: Yes.
Instant Items: No.
Spawn Health: Yes.
Spawn Powerups: Yes.
Spawn Armor: Yes.
Spawn Mines: Yes.
Spawn Antimatter Bombs: Yes.
Drop Quad Damage on Death: No.
Drop Dualfire on Death: No.

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