Reducing Negativity in Our Life - a daily inspiration

6 months ago

August 20 - Reducing Negativity in Our Life - a daily inspiration
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Today we practice reducing the negativity in our life. When we choose to define something as “negative” - that simply gives it an illusionary power over us. The more power we give it, the more real it becomes to us. The more real it becomes to us; the greater part of our life it will encompass. The greater part of our life it encompasses, the more we treat it as our truth. The more we treat it as our truth, the more willing we are to come to its defense. The more time and energy we spend defending it, the more we rationalize that it’s worth defending. The illusion has no power, unless we place our focus on it, and charge it with our time and energy. It is the value that we place on something that gives it its power, not that something by itself. And what we choose to value is what we will end up focusing on, experiencing, and becoming the physical manifestation, representation, and expression of our life.
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