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15 seconds

Red Dead Redemption 2

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Finishing Chapter 4 and diving into Chapter 5! Time for the bank robbery in Saint Denis. Hitching up with the gang and heading to the city where Abigail and Hosea create a diversion and the rest head into the bank. Arthur gets into the safe and opens one before the Pinkertons come. They kill Hosea and you try to shoot a way out and up on the roof. John gets taken to jail, Lenny gets killed, the rest wait until night to sneak onto a boat. There's a storm and Arther, Dutch, Micah, Javier end up stranded on the island Guarma. You get taken into a chain gang before breaking free, Javier is captured. You meet Hercule who can help you if you help free prisoners from the sugar plantain rebels. Once Arthur saves the prisoners after being captured again, you meet up with Dutch to go through the caves and out to the compound to free Javier. Meet up with Hercule again and shoot and kill the rebels while also bomb the approaching navel ship. Alberto Fussar Needs to be killed before you can leave the island so you go on a mission to free your boat caption and kill everyone insight. Once back to the US and Saint Denis, Arthur goes out to the old camp to see if anyone is alive. There is a cryptic letter signaling that the gang moved slightly up north. After killing a few Pinkertons that show up, Arthur finds the new camp, Lagras. Sadie Adler helped the gang survive and before long, the Pinkertons show up to ambush. Another nighttime shootout occurs, Arthur uses the Gatling Gun to take everyone out. John needs to be found and Dutch needs to plan a new escape. Also...notice Arthur coughing a lot more...

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