CRY FREEDOM TV: UK Migrant Crisis? 🚣🚤🏩

3 months ago


***VIDEO DISCLAIMER: Cry Freedom Radio/TV/Blog does NOT condone violence or racism in any shape or form and the distinctions have to be made between out right racial prejudices and people who are worried for their communities and in fact sovereignty at a time we are told only around 50% of our capital is still lived in by native Brits and the boats still keep coming because it seems the government is totally incapable of controlling it!***

Well I know in the last video, I said I wasn't going to highlight all this as much, and I will definitely be talking about our possible solutions forwards regarding taking back us, but we cannot ignore what is going on all around us right now, unpleasant and frustrating as it may be, for some in the cities, as opposed to those away in the country, more so!

I came across this video today, by an American called Nick Shirley, who I've not seen before, a young guy on a mission with a massive following it would seem! When I watched it, I saw how much he is bringing out the issues here in plain sight, that I feel many who attack the so called 'far right' need to see because they are maybe NOT seeing any of it in the mainstream places they look in! This you will see in the latter part of this video and I am sharing it because I feel it's very important for us all to share when we have to deal with people that you will in the video link below...

I just watched this video, by citizen journalist DJE MEDIA...
AND if you go to the 6 min 54 sec point, you will see how the people who don't seem to, in any way, be getting the points we are trying to make, act when not even confronted, just asked a polite question, by someone they automatically deem to be not on their side, without knowing ANYTHING about them, crazy! This ignorant man reacts with all the usual venom and insultive, programmed rudeness and anger that is actually embarrassing to watch and what he says about the so called 'media' tells us that he only ever listens to mainstream scripted 'news' and never puts his head out of that box to watch ANYTHING else, preferring instead to just call out the same ole stick and stone names, that only ever shows him up for what he is!!! (and big well done to DJE MEDIA for keeping cool and calm, well done mate!).

Hard times to be part of folks, but on the bright side, massive times of revelation for all to see... well those who are prepared to stop head burying and refusing to face the never more evident truths of this current reality... but face them they must or they will be lost down that deep dark hole, whilst those of us who can see will continue to strive ahead and show by example what our future needs to be 🙏🙏🙏

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