Ju Chen: Uraman & Urmah Laani, Elarthian, Zenae, Man system |Galactic & Terran connections interview

2 months ago

👉Read the blog post: https://www.abigaellerichard.com/post/ju-chen-uraman-urmah-laani-elarthian-zenae-man-system-galactic-terran-connections-interview
💫Join the galactic groups by contacting Disco Tina: https://t.me/Discotina1111
👉Website: https://www.abigaellerichard.com/
💙Join my Telegram channel: https://t.me/the_grounded_starseeds

In this video interview on the "Galactic & Terran connections interview" series, Ju Chen shares about his galactic memories and connections that he mostly has recovered through his vivid dreams and his galactic astrology chart.

He feels a strong connection to the Uraman & Urmah Laani colony beings (pp. 306-311 in Elena Danaan's book: "Encyclopedia Galactica") and also remembers his life as a Zenae/Zenate helping to harmonize and balance frequencies. Originally, Ju Chen has come from the NGC 7319 galaxy, as an Elarthian, which is a seeder race.

👉A previous interview with Ju Chen about his creative and disclosure mission: https://youtu.be/moTnY16Q1HM

👉A previous interview with Ju Chen about sharing stories from rich libraries & halls of records: https://youtu.be/szx8b1PP3s8

👉Discover Ju Chen's creative work at "Corridor Realms Comix": https://corridorcomix.com/

Why this series of interviews?

In these series of interviews, I wished to have starseeds and earthseeds come on my YouTube channel (The grounded starseeds) to talk about their memories as starseed envoys or Terran souls, who feel a connection to one or many star nations and/or inner-Earth nations, since we are after all multidimensional beings.

Sometimes these connections can be physical, however most of the time these are the result of heart and/or telepathic connections obtained through a state of meditation or shamanic vision quests. Each person has his or her own way of connecting to their memories, families, twin-flames, etc. There is not right or wrong way to do so, although we invite prudence regarding "channeling" and discernment regarding QHHT sessions.

The individuals that are participating to these interview, are part of a group on Telegram entitled "Galactic & Terran connections" which is embedded in a broader community that includes many groups with galactic interests, offering an opportunity to starseed and Terran souls to exchange about their experiences. Subgroups in French, Spanish and other languages are also available.

To assure a high vibration, benevolent and safe place of exchange, these groups are moderated by "Disco Tina" and her team of moderators. To access and join the groups you are invited to contact Disco Tina on Telegram here: https://t.me/Discotina1111

#Laani #Elarthians #ZenaeAndromedans

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