A Soldier's Dream

6 months ago

A modern interpretation of the 1911 song "A Soldier's Dream" by Frank Krulish.

Time Period: The Great War/ WW1
Original lyrics:

As the shades of night were falling over a plain,
Sat a soldier with his head bowed down in pain,
He was thinking of his home and friends so dear,
That he left behind him when he volunteered.
How the tears in large drops down his cheeks came running,
For a lad of only twenty one was he
Twas his heart for one he left behind him breaking
In that home of his so very far away.

My thoughts are always towards home turning it makes no difference where I am
For in that home of mine so far away lives a girl who I do intend to wed some day,
Its no use trying to forget her
At times I know not what to do
My thoughts keep always coming back to me of that home of mine so far away

On last New Years Eve as he in her room sat
Waiting with her to receive the New Year in,
And when the church bells and the noise began,
She stretched out her arm and gave to him her hand,
It was the seasons greetings that she wished him,
But this act of her he could not understand,
Ever since that night his thoughts have been a wondering,
Shall he ever be the one to own her hand.

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