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2 months ago

Skye Prince
NEW - 17/08/2024 - ATTENZIONE ----
17- EBS - ULTIMA ORA: Trump mette in guardia da un crollo senza precedenti:
16 EBS - NESARA – GESARA – MED BEDS… Cappelli Bianchi dell’Alleanza della Terra
17 ORE 00:00 DIRETTA Q QUESTA sera diretta su YouTube Commentate in diretta , siate forti mandate luce, infinite grazie https://www.youtube.com/@SkyePrince444
ISTRUZIONI ASCENSIONE INFORMAZIONI DIRETTE DAL VIVO - CHAT - ITALIANO - AndreA Vitale https://t.me/FederazioneGalattica169443/1
Multi Canale Digitale- Federazione Galattica 169443
Buona Notte @follower ON GAMMA 100hz Vittoria Della luce -
Testo -
Kya kya kya hai.I'll be right with you guys.Just give me one second.How are you guys now?I can't see the screen because

of the shine.I can't see anything.It's all black.So I'm going to have to watch you guys here.And just in case we're stopped,

I'm also recording here as well, so if anything happens, I can just upload the recording.I got all bases covered and so,

yeah, so we'll wait for 6-7 minutes, something like that, let people get on.It's only three minutes to 8,

so we'll just wait a few minutes.So yes, I've.Been told by many people not to do this, that I am disrupting the plan.

OK, we'll get into that later.No problem.My flight got delayed, now I'm able to listen at the airport.

Perfect.Janet Jeanette, everything happens for a reason.So very good.All right?So just remember to when we start,

make sure you express yourself in the comments, OK?By that, I mean, tell the white hats that you're unhappy.

Tell the white hats you're suffering and you've had enough if you wish to do so.OK, Because they are listening.

They are listening all righty.Get my bottle out of the out of the holder and boy oh boy is it a beautifully stunning perfect

day here in Sydney.Wow, not a cloud insight.It's supposed to be almost spring and I just got AT shirt on.

The sun is amazing, although it is going to be a hot summer, you can feel the the heat in in that sun.It's going to be a hot one,

but that's OK.That's all right.It's all good.All right, just checking any last minute messages.No, nothing of great importance.

And there's no building demolition going on today.They don't work on Sunday, which is why I made it for today.

A few people complained that they didn't have enough time to share the message to people to be on this live stream,

that I should have done it a few days later.But that big building there is being demolished Monday to Saturday

and you can't hear a damn thing.It's really frustrating.So I thought something as important as this we need to do it on a

day with the least amount of noise possible.So here we are, here we are.The noise next door when they

start hammering the concrete, Oh my God, we're used to it now.It's you do get to block it out.OK, Lots of comments.

Beautiful 1300 comments.Keep them coming guys.Let the white hats know that you are suffering and you want this

to end because the white hats are watching.And I've been told that certain key people are also tuning into

this live stream, and one in particular will also be commenting under a different name.Someone who is very technologically

advanced is joining in on this live stream, not only watching but commenting as well.So yes, all right now,

we'll wait a few more minutes.It's only two minutes, 3 minutes past.We'll wait a couple minutes.Oh, jumped 1000 comments in a couple

of minutes.Good, good.Keep it coming.I can't see.OK.All right.Yeah, I keep looking down.One, because there's a very bright

sun, and two, because I'm reading the comments on my phone.When I start talking on look at you guys or think I'm looking

at you guys because the reflection on the screen, I can't see a thing.So it's just a BLOB.So yes, besides everybody being really,

really pissed, how are you guys?Everybody doing OK or as as good as you can be.OK.All right, what a naysayers here.

That's understandable.Yeah, it's understandable.So all right now before we begin, first thing I want to say is

there's a lot of people who did not want me to do this live stream this morning or today simply because they think that it will

stop or jeopardise the plan.And this is what I want to say to you while you are watching the plan, while you're trusting the plan,

while you're celebrating each new rally, each new interview, each new tiny bit of news of some arrests that we cannot prove.

There's people in hospital beds having their fluids and feeding tubes removed, 90 year olds, 100 year olds against their wishes.

There's people being giving drugs that will ultimately end their life sooner than they want while

they're fighting for life.There's people being forced out of their homes because they can't pay their mortgage or their rent.

People are being forced into their cars, then they can't pay their car.Now they're living under a bridge

or in a drain somewhere.There's parents going diving into garbage bins, dumpster bins behind restaurants

and cafes, trying to find food to feed their kids.Yesterday I walked past an elderly couple in a supermarket.

They both had walking sticks.The lady was carrying a handbag, the man was carrying a calculator, adding up what they could afford

and putting things back on the shelf.I ended up paying for them.There's people, especially elderly,

living on one piece of bread a day with no electricity, no running water.There's people living in 40°C

heat with no air conditioning and in freezing temperatures with no heating.While you're celebrating the next

win, these people are taking their last breath.Praying to God has not helped them.When you've been in the trenches,

and I know this for a fact because I'm one of them, I am homeless.I live in a dingy motel full of drug abuse,

child abuse, you name it.People that have committed horrendous crimes come straight from prison,

come here before they're placed in a home.Domestic violence.I live it all every single day.I know what poverty,

what's suffering and what a bad, sad situation the planet is in right now.I know that because I live it.

So while you're looking forward to the next bit of Intel, I'm looking around at all this suffering that is not needed.

My own mum is suffering.There's a lady just a few doors down that way.She's about to pass away.She's elderly.

Should she have to die in a homeless motel?People are being turned away from here because they have a dog.

They have to live in their car with their dog.Is is that fair?Nobody should be homeless.This is why we are here today

doing this live stream.No one should be homeless.No one should be suffering, not one.So if you don't want this live

stream to go.Ahead.And you think I'm going to jeopardize the plan?What about the plan of saving humanity?

What about the plan of helping our neighbours?What happened to that plan?Or did that just get thrown out

the window because you're excited for the next tiny bit of Intel?We are not the same.I care about humanity.

I care about each individual and how they're doing.A lot of people only care about the next exciting thing to happen.

We are not the same.OK, I would like to thank all of you for joining me today.It really is an honour and a blessing

to be walking this path with you.But what I mostly want to give thanks to are the white hats, are the military,

are the Intel providers, Everybody who is trying to fight this battle, who is trying to end the corruption,

end the slavery, end the suffering, those on the front lines fighting with with guns and bullets and

all of that, as well as those who's fighting online.We're all giving as much as we possibly can at this time.

I want to thank those who are public in this war, and I mean very, very, very public.I also want to thank Spirit for

allowing us to see and for showing us the way.And I want to thank the Galactics and the offworld beings that's

also helping to free this planet of tyranny, slavery.This is a war on many different levels, in many different dimensions,

in many different realities.This is not just what you see, is what you get.This is a spiritual war, and it's raging not just here

on this planet, but elsewhere as well.You see many of the bad guys, most of them were captured, but some actually managed to

go to other planets, to other civilizations and hide.And our brave soldiers have followed them there.

They have all been captured and rounded up.I believe a few disappeared beyond our realm and they will be rounded

up when when possible.Those fighting underground, those fighting above ground, and those fighting outside of

earth.We give thanks, eternal thanks, and we're extremely grateful for your assistance and your help

in this war.I'd like to many of you who know me know that I don't believe in prayer in general, but I would like to say a prayer

for those who are fighting and those who we have lost and everyone in between.So if you would like to join me

in prayer just for a couple of minutes, dear Mother, Father, God, dear Spirit, angels, archangels, dear all that is,

I ask you to guide and protect, give courage and strength, support and assist all who are fighting for a free planet,

fighting to rid this planet of darkness, fighting for our liberation.I ask you to protect, watch over and keep safe those

who are leading this liberation.I ask you to guide, protect and give courage and strength to all who are on the

ground and on the front line.I ask you to give love, support and encouragement to all who are going through difficult

times.I ask you to love and assist those who are taking their last breath.Dia madafado agora.Spirit,

Angels, Archangels, Dear all that is, we thank you for your love and your guidance.We thank you for giving us the

courage and strength to push through another day.We thank you for your protection for all who are actively and

non actively fighting for the freedom of this planet.We thank you for taking care of those taking their last breath,

and we thank you for showing us the way.We give thanks for all that you provide, and we give thanks for all that

is to come.We are eternally grateful for all that is Kiora.Now I would like to do a minute silence for everybody who we

have lost along the way.So if you please join me in just one minute, silence.Thank you.OK, tell you what,

that sun's getting warm.OK, So just browsing through the comments here that you're you're commenting is so powerful.

It is so powerful.The issue with this movement is very contradictory.On one hand, we've got a group of individuals

coming together to fight for for this planet's freedom.It all started about the children rescuing the children from the

tunnels, the traffic children, the satanic ritual abuse children.That's what it was all about and

still is.But it's so much more than that.While we have turned our attention to the children in the tunnels,

we've let our children here above ground fall victim to this war.We've become so focused on freeing

the planet of evil and oppression that we've sat back and said trust the plan.This plan started a long time

ago.This plan has been decades in the making.But at what end?When do we say we can't do this anymore?We have veterans,

thousands and thousands of veterans around the world that want to be involved.They're not invited.

Why?They've trained for this.They've served their country well.They're ready to pick up and fight.

They're ready to help in any way they can.Yet they're not invited.We have millions of people that could help in so many ways,

and yet we're not allowed.We're not invited.I think it's very strange that we are not invited to a war that

will save ourselves.After all, it is our children and our grandchildren and great grandchildren and future

generations that's going to benefit from our our fight.Why are we not allowed to be part of it?Why are we not invited into the

fight when so many of us want to take part?There's something that's been on my mind a lot and it is very

contradictory.On one hand, we have the Med beds, which can heal people within depending on what you have wrong

with you.An hour, two hours, even less.Yes, that technology is incredibly valuable and would be devastating

in the wrong hands.On the other hand, we've been told by pretty much everybody, they have it all.They have them all.

Anyone who can cause trouble, they have them.We know the Med beds are installed in very secure places,

but here's the thing, it's the people going in and out that are put in danger.Why?If they have them all,

Yes, we have everyday common criminals.But by suppressing our veterans, by suppressing we the People,

we can look after each other.We can come together, if only we're allowed to.But all we're allowed to do right

now is just talk online.This is the future of our own lives and the lives of those we love.That is at stake.

So why are we allowing a very, very small percentage of the human race to dictate to us how we can save ourselves?

They say the governments are no longer in charge.Why are we still paying taxes?Why are we still being forced

out of our homes with foreclosure and all of that?Why they are the small percentage?I'll tell you why,

because for generations, thousands of years actually, we've been told to comply or you will suffer even when we bring

up our children.Do what you're told or you will be punished.Going through school, you repeat what I tell you or

you will fail.So when the white hats come up with this plan, they said don't fight, don't pick up arms,

trust us, trust the plan.We go, OK religion, trust in God, put your faith in God, Give all your worries to God,

He will save you.We have been so brainwashed out of our own power and abilities for thousands of years that now,

today, when it really matters, when it is life and death, when this is the future of our planet, we comply by sitting around saying

I trust the plan.I'm not going to do anything because I've been told not to.I will sit by my family member

while they take their last breath and die when they didn't have to.Because I have to trust the plan.

And anybody who speaks out against trusting the plan is immediately ridiculed and beaten down to

a pulp.Why?Because they bravely had the courage to speak up for what they believe in for.For saving themselves.

Anyone who complaints about this situation is labeled a complainer.Why?They're on their last breath.

They've been forced out of their home onto the street.Is that complaining?No, that's reaching out for help.

This is why we're here today.You sit enjoying the show while the rest of us look around and watch presidents partying,

celebrating, flying in private jets, going to rallies.We watch their supporters gladly going to rallies,

cheering them on while passing people living in tents.We are not the same.We're not the same.I support the White House,

I really do.But under this plan that was supposed to make America great again, it has thrown the world into

desperation and despair.On an individual level, that's not OK.Not in my book, it's not.And who am I to speak out?

I'm just someone who gives a shit about humanity and where this planet is going.I'm just someone who dreams of

better days and knows that it's possible while sitting around watching.So many say trust the plan.

We're so close.Trust the plan.We were so close years ago.Here we are.How many people have died just in the last month alone that

didn't need to because we trusted the plan?I commend what President Trump, Putin, GG Ping, all of them.

I commend what they're doing.But while they sit and have meetings and rallies and interviews and

TV broadcasts, we can't put food on the table yet.We still follow you.We still praise you.We still support you.

It's not OK.You cannot enter a beautiful life with acts of violence, and it is an act of violence to stand by and watch one party

destroy the entire planet and do nothing about it.To allow them to do this.That is an act of violence and

it's an act of crimes against humanity, crime against your people.I'm talking to all the leaders, not just one.

I'm talking to the generals.Who run the militaries?I'm talking to all of them.This is not a if we win or when

we win, we will do this.I'm sorry, but each and every day that you allow this to continue, you have already lost.

Doesn't matter if you're you win the election.Doesn't matter how many people rally behind you.Every life that is lost is a loss

to humanity.People have sole contracts.Everybody does.Maybe it's our sole contract to stand up and say no more,

not just to sit by and watch the plan, trust the plan.Maybe it is our sole contract to stand up for each other and

say this is it, we will end this and we will end this now.Why?Because we have suffered enough.We have already won this war.

It's time to bring the light to the darkness.It's time to bring the light to humanity.Enough of this madness,

Enough of the suppression.Enough of this movie.Movies don't harm people and yet we have thousands dying around

the world every single day because of this so-called movie.We say it's to wake up the normies, to awaken the sleepy ones.

You cannot wake up somebody who is not prepared for it, who's not ready for it.You're not going to wake up any

more people.You just won't because the awakening comes from within.Why do you think when we start

talking to our friends and family about the truth, they say we're insane.They look at us like a deer in

headlights.They're totally confused.Some people this lifetime are not meant to be aware of what's

going on.They're meant just to go about their daily life and not give a crap about the rest of the world.

We, the awakened ones, we the ones who know what's going on, we are the ones we've been waiting for.Not Jesus,

not the white hats.Trump is not our saviour.God is within each and every one of us.We are the ones we have been waiting

for.We are the ones that need to stand up and say no more.We have had enough.Instead of sitting by a bedside

of a dying family member holding their hand saying the white hats have got this, trust them.No, they don't have this.

They might have this on a collective level, but you, myself, and every other person on an individual level has the ability

to put a stop to this.And we have the ability to put a stop to it today, right now.Not tomorrow, not next week,

Not waiting for the next event, or the next public rally or the next live stream interview, or the next election or the next

court case.When is it going to be enough?When is the next event going to actually be the last?We've heard it for so long,

so many years now.Oh, this has to happen.That has to happen.What has to happen is the release of the Med beds for the people,

release of Nazara Jasara, release of the humanitarian funds to the people.That's what has to happen.

If we truly give a shit and care about humanity, we the people need to take a stand.I'm not talking about taking to

the streets.We need to get teams together, groups of people together, of intelligent heart centred

beings.Get some ideas together of what we can do to put a stop to this.We need the leaders to come down

to our level, to come into the trenches and talk to us.We need proof that this war is actually taking place.

We need proof that funds are being released and people are being taken care of, not just words and empty dates

that come and go.So many people lose hope every day.Every day they go to bed with a vision for a better tomorrow.

They wake up the next day.No notifications, no good news, just more of bad actors playing public figures in this stupid.

Stupid war.If you really want, if you really want the public to wake up and know what's going on, then release it.

Stop hiding, stop sending comms.Many people say you don't give your enemy your details.We have them all correct.

So what details are you giving to who?Or is that just another lie?Just more information to keep us docile,

to keep us from standing up and fighting for our freedoms?Are the white hats really in for a better tomorrow,

for a new Earth, or are they just switching the power from one hand to another?It certainly seems so.

It seems like they're to wings of the same bird.By keeping everybody, including the truthers, including the supporters,

the awaker ones, by keeping them in the dark.What are you really doing?We want to know because this is

our life and we have a right to know what is going on with our life.We no longer give support to those

who choose to oppress us.The very small 1% of the population is controlling our lives.Why?That's the most hideous thing

I've ever heard.We sit around and put our fate in others.Why?I don't want anybody else to save me.But why are we allowing them to

suppress us?Why are we allowing this?All we have to do is stand up as a collective and say no more and it will stop.

Why?Because we the people have strength in numbers.They have the strength in deceit, in oppression,

in fear.The white hats are doing the exact same thing as the black hats.They say they want to rid the

this planet of evil, yet they're doing the same thing.The same thing.Now.I support the white hats in making

a better Earth, but not like this.This the way we're going, if we don't stop this soon, all those movies of a bad future,

of a future in poverty and war-torn regions, that's what it'll be like.We have the power to say no.You are a sovereign being and

we sit on our hands going trust the plan.I put all my faith in somebody else to save my life.Just imagine if they failed,

what would you tell your future generations?I say, hey grandma, grandpa, the battle of 2024, what did you do?

I sat back, looked at funny memes on the Internet and trusted the plan.I did nothing.Is that how you want to be remembered?

I'm not trying to make you feel guilty.I'm trying to light that fire in your belly, to save yourself,

to help save this planet.I don't know about you, but I intend on living a very long, long, happy life.And I'm going to fight for that.

I'm going to fight for my freedoms.I'm not going to sit down and expect someone else to do it for me now.

Many people can't fight for themselves through illness, through poverty, No Internet, no food, no family,

no friends, no safe place to sit or sleep at night.We are their voices.Have we become so disconnected

from each other that we just go, oh, well, that's your sole contract.You'll learn.Where's our compassion?

And yes, I'm talking to the white hats as well.Where is our compassion for each other?We've got domestic violence victims

that cannot leave that situation because they have no money.They have no friends or family.They've got nowhere to go.

They don't know.We're going to sit around and say, Oh well, that's your sole contract, you figure it out.

No.What if our sole contract is to be the saviour of somebody else, is to be the Angel that appears?In someone else's life,

in their darkest moment.What if that is our mission, but because of our beliefs, we sit down and say no,

I'm going to trust the plan.What if the plan is you standing up and saving not only yourself but other people?

What if you're the saviour we've been waiting for?This is why I'm doing this live stream today, to be the voice of those who

do not have the courage or the voice to express how they feel.I've always been the advocate for the people that can't take

care of themselves and can't speak for themselves, and I will continue to do that no matter who agrees or disagrees.

This is why we're here today.Too many people are suffering unnecessarily when they say we have it all.

We have all the evidence, we have everything we need, We have them all.They're all in Gitmo.Why are we still being oppressed,

suppressed, lied to, withheld amazing medical technology?Why are we still being forced to take jabs that will kill us?

Makes no sense.No sense to the white hats.You need to release this, and you need to release it all today,

even just a bone, so that we know we're not fighting for some fantasy, for some dream of a better world

that will never happen.We need some kind of proof.We need some kind of evidence that will keep our hope,

our dreams, and our heart alive.Because without it, there won't be any of us left to pick up your pieces to put

this planet back together, let alone build a brand new world.Every day you are losing the support of your followers.

Every day you're losing the lives of your followers, beautiful humanitarians who've been commissioned to do amazing,

amazing things for this planet in the future.You allow loved ones to die.You're torturing those who care

the most about you.And I fear that this community is sinking into a very, very powerful case of Stockholm

syndrome.And there's no reason for it.No reason.You have the ability, we all have the ability to end

this today.So what's stopping you?Why are we supposed to go through another fake election, fake campaign,

fake media, fake Intel, fake medicine?We're supposed to endure all this for what?So you can feel that you did something,

You've already done it.Now it's time to let the people in on it.Now it's time to let the people celebrate,

to enjoy the fruits of Thou harvest instead of destroying the harvest.Just when people are at their

wit's end, every day they wake up and their hopes and dreams are sapped away from them again and again and

again and again, while we sit there and listen to all this wonderful Intel that never comes true every day,

White hats.This is not good enough.This is not good enough.Not by humanity, not by the Galactic Council,

not by the multiverse.Everything that happens on this planet effects every other planet and every other civilization.

This is not good enough.Our entire future is at stake here.And we sit by and watch rally speeches, interviews,

fake bullshit while saying goodbye to those we love.It's not good enough.You need to do better.You need to end it,

and you need to end it today.No more lies, no more bullshit, no more fake Intel, no more fake dates that come

and go.Just do it.Planet is counting on you to do it, so do it.End this war, White hats.You have the ability to end this

with a flip of the switch.If you don't, we know it's just a power transformation from 1:00 wing of a bird to another.

We know that we were never cared about.If you're not going to do it, then tell us.The longer you take, the more those who can and will

do it will rise up.And you don't want that.None of us want that.We want this transition of power to be peaceful,

not violent.But one thing history has taught us is that when people are squeezed beyond what they can cope with,

they tend to react in a very violent, non peaceful way, and we're getting close to that point.Please end this nightmare for

everybody, for everyone, or this war would have been an entire waste of time.Because there'll be nobody left

and anyone who is left will be so cotton on, so beaten up, they'll have no fight left in them.The term walking zombies comes

to mind.No heart, no hope, nothing, nothing left.Many people feel that way now and it's a very sad, very sad situation that we don't

need to be going through this moment.All these comments, 4 1/2 thousand comments are all giving you their thoughts.

They're all telling you that they have had enough.And while we are the minority, we are the majority in the future.

We are the ones who dream for a better future.We are the ones who are ready to stand up and transform this

planet into an incredible an incredible, loving, prosperous, abundance, peaceful, compassionate,

empathetic planet.But the longer you keep this going, the less chance there is of that happening.I'm asking you on behalf of humanity

to please consider what you're doing, to please take a look at the amount of suffering around you and think to yourself,

is this what we really want?Is this really helping anyone?If the answer is no, then you know what to do.

If the answer is yes, then you need to have a look at your heart.I hope that one of the leaders receives this message,

receives all your messages and acts accordingly.I pray it so and again, I am 100% behind the White Hats

provided their mission and goal is to make this planet a better place.But at what cost?Two BHK flats for sale in Mumbai.

All these comments, amazing, absolutely amazing.All people desperate, all people pleading with you

to end this.Do the right thing.You know what to do.Do the right thing.No matter what you've done in the past,

one act of kindness can cancel any acts of darkness.Please think of all of us, all of your supporters,

and please do the right thing.I'm gonna read some of the comments directly to the white hats because

people's voices need to be heard.People need to feel like they're being heard.It's not fair that we are left

out in the cold and forced to sit on the sidelines.I'm on the edge of having four days of losing everything we've

worked for.That's from Shannon Sue.Please release enough money.S people don't even care about it anymore.

So sick of focus on money.We need to focus on our children and nature and others we do not even know exist.

Natasha, please help humanity.We need your help.Give us the Med beds please.Golden, she speaks for all of us.

Quopi, thank you.Sky and White Hats.We've been losing lives and hopes rapidly to the point no one has

left.Please, White Hat, let truth out for everyone to see and let truth work out itself.Nadine, humanitarian projects need to

start now.We need time to get our projects ready.New era, Full disclosure now Margaret, I need help with my kids.

They are so discouraged.Can't even buy a house.Chrissy, we have had enough.Teresa.Are you there?Are you real?

Will you stand with us and bring the light to the world?Yvonne, we are sovereign beings.Please hear us when we say please,

please, please save humanity.Please stop with the suppression.Give us what we've been waiting for.

We are sick and dying for no reason, Carmen.We can't make it to November, Danny.We have already done what we could

with what we had so far.Now we want what is rightfully ours as sovereign beings to do more and bring peace and prosperity

to Earth.Leah, please help us now.Love.1st thank you Sky for everything and everyone here.This is coming together but we

just don't have the strength anymore.Doctor T, I've lost my parents and many friends since COVID.Please put an end.

Alison, do the right thing and let us help you to save the world.Rainbow lions of Earth, act now or you are not better

than the dark hats.Sam, we stood up three years ago and where was the military to help us?Victoria people were fired upon

by rubber bullets were their military Ruby?How we supposed to feel when we are being poisoned, lied to,

terrorised and told how the future will be amazing year after year and our lives are getting harder.

No more psyop.Psyops.Be transparent, Aslan.Absolutely with some of those hanging by a thread, Julie,

we have been the ones trusting you.White Hats.Bring it on, Venula.Bring it on, Ashley.Seven years is overly patient.

I've been peaceful.I've been supportive.I've been faithful and giving.I have nothing left to give,

though I am grateful.This entire planet needs healing, Shelley.It's been too long.Now, instead of feeling great and

happy, it's like the glory of the moment is gone.As we are tired.Please do the right thing now.Please,

Meredith, we stand together.Play trailer of the song.Those are just some of the comments of people reaching out for help.

And I know white hats, that you are hearing us.We know that.So please take this today as a message from all of us,

all of us who care about our lives, our family's lives, our future generations lives.Our neighbours lives who care

about the entire planet of Earth.This is from us to you.If you're not going to end this madness, then let us help.

Let us in on it so that we can help end it if it's too much for you alone.There are millions of us ready

to stand up.Millions, let us.Let us feel a part of our own saviour.Let us feel a part that we can make history by transforming

this amazing planet from dark to light.Instead of lying to us, suppressing us, poisoning us, standing by and allowing all

of the suppression, the oppression, the murder to happen.Allow us to help, at the very least bring us in.

We are ready to stand and fight for what we believe in in any way possible might.By not allowing us, you're forcing us into a very,

very difficult situation.Those of us who live and make it, well, you know what happens then End this madness while there's still

enough of us that can change this world into what we all dream of.Please.The comments keep on coming,

people calling out for help, no one complaining, all just expressing how deeply troubled, emotional,

suppressed, oppressed and in pain they are.It's not people complaining, it's people who are desperate

for a better life.Visionaries.People who dream of a beautiful future in a world surrounded by darkness.

If that's not a heart centred visionary, I don't know what is.To be able to hold hope and dreams while being in pain and being

sick, living in your car, living under a bridge, living in a drain.These are the people that are going to build the most incredible

planet, the most beautiful civilization ever imaginable, if only they're given the chance.Please,

white hats, give us that opportunity.You will find help from the most unlikely places and the most

unlikely people.It's time.It is time and you know it.We all know it, we all feel it, deep within our heart,

deep within our soul.It's time.We need this to end today, not tomorrow, today.Such beautiful comments.

Everybody is so peaceful while expressing their frustration and their desperation.I can't read each and everyone,

It'll take me the next four days.But your voice has been heard.You are being heard, White hats.If you don't end this,

we will, with or without your help.And no, I'm not talking about picking up arms and taking to the streets.

We will bring the force of Almighty God to humanity and we will end this.We trusted you for too long.

Now it's our turn.I want to thank everybody for joining me today.They have got the message.They absolutely have Your message

and messages of requesting help have been received.Now watch things change.Whether it's the white hats or

us, things are about to change.Play song.Something very powerful has moved today in this community.

Whether you want to admit it or not, today is the first day of the rest of our lives.No more suffering,

no more oppression, no more suppression.Today is the first day where we take our stand.Earth is about to be reborn and

it's going to come from the most unlikely place, I can guarantee you that.Now if everybody can go when we

end this live stream and go and meditate for 15 to 20 minutes and clear your heart and mind and to raise your frequency into

the love vibration.Surround yourself with a beautiful white, gold, pink, purple, whatever colour light you want.

Go have a coffee cup of tea and think of the most beautiful life you can imagine.You are about to receive it and

that I can guarantee you.Enjoy your dreams, they're about to manifest into your reality.Again, thank you to the white hats for

everything you have done.Thank you to everybody who is fighting this movement, fighting this war on every level,

including the keyboard warriors.Thank you to those who did not make it but fought hard.Thank you to Spirit for showing

us the way.Thank you to the Galactics for joining us and helping us and guiding us in this war.And we want to thank Creation

for giving this opportunity to grow, to evolve, and to have the opportunity to transition an entire planet from

dark to light.It's an incredible opportunity and here we are living it and we thank you.Thank you for all your messages

to the White Hats.You have been heard and victory is about to happen for all of us.I wish you nothing but the best

everybody, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.Have a beautiful, beautiful day and many, many blessings,

many successes come your way.Thank you everyone.Bye.

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