Let's Play - Mega Man ZX (Aile, Legacy Collection) part 17

5 months ago

0:00 - Area K-5
0:42 - Area K-1 (right side)
1:24 - Lava control room
3:28 - Area K-3
4:13 - Back to Area K-5 for the secret disk
5:09 - E25
7:20 - Area K-4 (1st section)
9:27 - Area K-4 (2nd section)
11:57 - Flammole cutscene
12:50 - Boss battle
13:34 - Getting the 2nd half of Model F
15:38 - Failed attempts at trying to get to the upper path

Mission: Attack the Excavators pt. 2

Sorry for the scratchy sounds the TV made. I don't know what's going on. After I did several attempts at trying to get up K-5 offscreen and I cut to show you the part at the beginning where I finally got through. After getting the lava to slow down, I am able to get through places more easily, although with still some deaths, and I reached the boss. Then I try to go through the upper path for the secret room to unlock a special door for the sub-tank, but it's not easy, even when the lava slowed down. I guess I better get some chips to equip before I try this again in the future.

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection is a game for played on the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One and Steam.

Check me out on these sites:
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/RedDragonette
For my older playthroughs - https://rumble.com/c/c-1046941
Odysee - https://odysee.com/@RedDragonette:1

Also, check out my artworks and fanfics here: https://buzzly.art/~Red%20Dragonette and https://www.weasyl.com/~reddragonette

Tags: Red Dragonette, gaming, video game, videogame, playthrough, walkthrough, 2D action platformer, Switch, Capcom, Inti Creates, Megaman ZX, MMZX, Aile, Model F, Maquereau, Flammole the Moleroid, galleon hunters, bee rockets, auto counter ECOs, galleon shrouds, sci-sensors, beanballs, fire darts, hover cannons, chain anchors, sounds glitching, coming back to K-5 through escape door has the lava all the way up top, boss fight, he's easy with tornado attacks, secret disk above left ladder in rising lava room, it's hard to break blocks when you're wall-jumping, Area K (lava field), part seventeen,

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