Captivated by God's Words – Deut. Chpt. 6

6 months ago

We left off last week talking about the failure of the old covenant: God's people didn't have the heart to keep his laws, statutes, & judgments consistently. We also learned that the new covenant changed everything. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, those of us who are born-again have hearts capable of keeping God's laws & statutes. We now have hearts and minds he can fashion; hearts and minds on which he can write his laws & statutes.

Everyone Moses was talking to in Deut. 6 had the opportunity to believe God and submit to him in faith. Hebrews 11 proves as much. All those that did had their hearts and minds renewed – just like NT Christians – and God was able to give them true hearts of faith. How? Today's text will explain it all. Here's a hint: they were captivated by God's words.

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