NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™: "Confusocracy" 2024-08-17 #2

5 months ago

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I. NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™
i. Joe Biden is still president
1. Everyone Concedes Biden is mentally soggy froot loops ... except his wife
2. The whole point of running Harris as president is the mental mush
3. But why is he still in there, and who is making the decisions?
ii. Speaking of the VP, the WP--Washington Post is accusing her of using gimmicks
1. Confusocracy: When Kamala Harris uses "flatting word and fair promises" and pretends to adopt Trump's policies
3. Fair promises, and flattering words
iii. Life Hack
1. At work, in an elevator, a woman complaining about the placement of offices said, "If a woman had done this, it would no be so messed up."
2. Ironically, New building, and the project was overseen by a woman.
3. So, clearly sexist comment. Here is how to respond:
a. "Did I hear you correctly when you said ..."
b. "And what did you mean by those words..."
iv. Incident with MAGA Hat
1. Bus, "Trump should be killed."
2. So, advocate a felony, a murder, capital crime, and a political assassination
3. Tried it once, didn't work
4. Book of Mormon warns about political assassinations
5. Premeditated Murder a felony.
6. Joseph Smith
a. When you find a spirit that wants bloodshed-murder, the same is not of God, but is of the devil. TPJS, 358
7. Fair promises, and flattering words
v. Free Speech Follow-up
1. Gov. Walz: “no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”
b. Uh, yes is legal.
2. Free speech not an absolute: fraud, slander, libel, harassment
3. During Grand Council, we gave the devil space for his free speech.
vi. UK x-ray techs ask men if they are pregnant
1. Trans male who was pregnant.
2. Principles:
a. We respect people
b. We protect children, in all stages of development
c. Respect agency, but where is this going?
d. Is medical community betraying our trust by going Woke?
3. Speaking of protecting children ...
vii. Abortion as a state constitutional amendment
1. Secular arguments
a. Deontological:
i. duty to have children
ii. Using babies as a means to an end
b. Utilitarian, does it adversely affect future generations to abort children?
2. Doctrine of Christ
a. Premortality
b. Spirit of Elijah
c. Family Proclamation
3. Members with Fam Proc on wall, yet vote for death?
viii. Student Loans
2. Persuasion angle: use debt forgiveness versus debt cancellation,lost persuasion war. Frame it in temrs of keeping your promises.
3. Moral angle
a. Not grant, or a gift, but a loan; need to pay back
b. Keep your promises
c. People of Ammon kept theirs.
ix. Olympics 2034.
1. Will we use the full, correct, and revealed name of the church?
2. Will we proselytize?
3. In order to get the Olympics, did we make some concessions to Beelzebub?
4. Serving God without offending the devil.
x. And that's news, with the eyes of faith

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