Abraham The Hebrew Part II

4 months ago

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This is the story of Terah and his son Abraham: as Terah tries to preserve his sons life, from the sinister plan of king Nimrod. The MOST HIGH steps in to help Terah when king Nimrod seeks to slay the anointed boy child. You can read about this story in the Sacred Text aka Hidden/Lost Books of Jashar 7 & 8 and Jubilees 11
(also see) Genesis 11,12,13

Come along as we travel through East *Africa in the Land of Sennar aka Shinar to the city of Babylon where the Kings of Kush ruled the World.
Genesis 10:6
And the *Sons of Ham;
Kush, and Mizraim (Egypt), and Phut, and Kanaan.

The city of Ur in Babylon is where Terah and his family reside. This was the center of the world at this time, and Terah was a top dignitary and counselor to King Nimrod. Terah was beloved by King Nimrod the king of Kush and his people.

Babylon was the center of commerce, trade and wealth and the rulers of Kush were the Sons of Ham; this oldest son Kush was he was his most beloved and he was given the Coat of Many Colors or the Sacred Garments of Adam from the Garden of Eden. These Sacred Garments were handed down from Adam & Eve to Noah. Ham stole the Sacred Garments from his father Noah, and hid them until he gave them over to his son Kush.

Kush loved his son Nimrod and passed down the Sacred Garments to his son Nimrod....when Nimrod became King at the age of 20, he put on these Sacred Garments and he Ruled the World with an iron fist. He battled all of his enemies. He would go on to win all of his battles in the lands round him and those that would dare challenge him- lost and was destroyed. He was a mighty Warrior and Hunter and he was a fierce King. Nimrod built a massive Empire with a great formidable army of his time and The MOST HIGH blessed him.

Nimrod was admired and loved by his people, until he became obsessed with power. He ruled the World and built cities and the tower of Babel in the plains of Babylon: Land of Kush aka Africa!

I hope this is blessing to you and your family! Shalom & Baruq! HallaluYAH

All Praises to The MOST HIGH YAHUAH and Glory to our Beloved HA'MASHIAHQ YAHUSHA our future King! HallaluYAH

Video Produced by: Rayah Baqhar Baht Yahudah
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