Last Nite: Storyboard 🎏

6 months ago

A sweet little gem that made the "0n queue list," via @thestrokes circa 2001ish. Damn time is fleeting, this song. is 23 years old. Sheesh.. Tme is fleeting , faster & faster by the day.. What would happen if it was your last nite on Planet Earth? Just food for thought,...your last meal, the last thing you did before bed,, last time you took piss? Imagine if it all ended one day . These warmongers want 85-90% of us gone between now & 2030.It's very real & if you do not think so, fist off, , you' ignorant fool, & two, you better be one strong tomato, or they'll turn you into ketchup . Quite an era, an era estraña,(strange times) Buckle up fsm, we're teetering over the precipice as we speak, & any inevitable. a dynamically catastrophic event of the Black Swan Kind,. Whether it be crypto or a global cyberattack conveniently blamed on Russia via the western media.Also there could be WW3, civiil war, complete breakdown of civilized society, here many would survive, but once the food runs out, the water flows no more, , & once the Internet shuts off, millions would perish , maybe even billions, just for the sheer reasoning that most cannot survive without the grocery store. They've made the majority of the population docile and fat, filled with drugs and poisoned food, Strsne timed my beloved Fishhesds. Until next time, be glorious. We're about to find out soon enough,,,
So sayeth FisH™ ...🎣

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