Brigade M - National Revolutionary (English Version) (Full Album) (2006)

6 months ago

Brigade M from Holland. Nat. Soc. punk/oi/rac. They recorded this album in Dutch, German and English.

0:00 1. !
0:26 2. So What!
4:02 3. Mr. WP R&R Star
7:18 4. Destroy all that Destroys you
11:42 5. Somethings Brewing
13:05 6. The Political Soldier
17:37 7. 10 Years against the Grain
22:30 8. Liberal
26:52 9. The Netherlands out of Nato
30:10 10. Internet Informers
35:29 11. Hate
37:54 12. European Unity
41:49 13. Remigration Now

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