911 False Flag

1 month ago

Let's call it what it is, 9/11 was a false flag operation. If 23 years of war doesn't convince you that this one event was the trigger for the war on terror, nothing will. Hindsight is 20/20 vision, America please open your eyes. When taking this fairy tale apart, you have to start with the patsy's, the Arab hijackers, 7 of which were reported alive by the BBC after the event. No attempt was ever made to reflect that fact, the original lies were all left in place. This documentary also looks at how Europe was false flagged into the war on terrorism, and the resistance to it. This is a must see documentary that really lays out the unanswered questions, like what happened to our National Defense, and the absurd response by NORAD. This serves as a blueprint of questions to ask the skeptics, who will not be able to answer coherently. This is not settled, I will never quit, I started day 1, the Truth does not get old.
There is no statute of limitations on Treason, are you listening Cheney,Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearl, Feith, and the rest of you Neocon traitors. These are the low level criminals, the demolition of the twins was planned when the buildings were constructed.
History is already being rewritten with this horrible Lie in place of the Truth, which is even more horrific. The same people who did the Kennedy brothers, and Martin Luther king Jr., are behind 911.
This event was a declaration of war on humanity. The United States is the hammer pounding the nail in the coffin of our species.
Never ending war and the destruction of the Bill of Rights doesn't seem to be enough to wake the American public up from a complete, and thorough, Brainwashing from the complicit main stream media who were reading from a script. The fear and pain of 911 was turned into hate and revenge as the country has lost its morality altogether. The killing of Innocents in this unholy preemptive war doctrine is not moral, or ethical, it is illegal, read our national law. Calling killing women and children in mass carpet bombing of civilian areas called collateral damage is an abomination. When our so called leaders Lie about murdering people in our name, they need to be strung up for Treason. Unless we the people get off our rear ends, we are finished. After 23 years we have no effective movement left, let's get real. The truth movement was started by the intelligence services, from the inside they set everyone at odds with misinformation. We have had every kind of theory from nano thermite, DEWs,to Nukes, the only thing that isn't widely published is the actual truth. Don't tell me about the Architects either, haven't you asked yourself why these experts have not taken the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have collected, and did a comprehensive public investigation? Complete with actual smaller scale models of the buildings that we could run a plane into to see if it collapses after 1 hour.
New York by itself was un believable, but when you add the pentagon stand down, along with that hole in Shanksville, and top it off with building 7's demolition, you have a entire day from Hell with no reasonable explanation. I am begging my fellow Americans, never forget 911. Our country is in the hands of pure evil. All of us together are the answer, that happens only one way.
Love is the answer for the enemy we face, that may be hard to imagine for a lot of people, but only with Love in your heart can you defeat evil, we don't want to die trying, we want to Live.
Can you Hear me talking at you? the Spirit is rising.
The Twin towers had concrete cores, time to wake up.
Please download, there is priceless footage in here.

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