Top 5 Super Earths Discovered In July 2024: The Search For Habitable Planets!

6 months ago

Top 5 Super Earths Discovered In July 2024: The Search For Habitable Planets!

Did you know there were 75 new planets discovered in July 2024 alone?

Discover the astonishing discovery of 5 new super-Earths found in space. First two are called TOI -1473 b & TOI-1824 b, they orbit G-Type stars. Three additional found orbiting the K-Type star HD 48948. This includes one in the Goldilocks Zone! In this video, we dive into the details of these fascinating celestial bodies, including their orbital periods, masses, and distances from their parent star. We'll also explore the intriguing HD 48948d, a gas giant within the Goldilocks Zone, raising the potential for life-supporting conditions. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of our universe and what these findings mean for the search for extraterrestrial life.

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Space, Galaxies, stars, planets, exoplanets, dwarf star, goldilocks zone, cosmos, kosmos

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