The Answer to Your Present Addiction is in Your Past | 10 Half-Truths that Keep Us Addicted to Porn

6 months ago

10 Half-Truths that Keep Us Addicted to Porn, Episode 9

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At some point, most addicts will ask themselves, “Why did I go down this destructive road in the first place?” Now, many in this world would tell them that painful childhood experiences were what led them toward addiction, and that they’ll only find freedom once they “work through” what happened in their past.

In this episode:

• Why the solution for someone’s addiction is not in their past
• What God’s answer is for any addiction

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Music from Soundstripe
Half Empty (Cody Martin): MYYBSRLJZHKY9FVO
A Time Will Come (Jordan White): NXUYCDHIUAZQT17B
The Sky Will Fall (Moments): VKPSUNBKGBLJHZL6
Dungeons & Dragons (Cody Martin): LJICNIHOY9FMPBHA

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