August 18 - Jeremiah 38-40 and Psalms 74 & 79 - 2024 Bible Study

6 months ago

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for August 18, 2024 is Jeremiah 38-40 and Psalms 74 & 79.

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We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion. If you are interested in chronological Bible study, the Bible In Order podcast is for you! We provide daily Bible study devotions to compliment your Daily Bible reading / Chronological Bible Reading in a year guide.

Jeremiah faces opposition and persecution for speaking the truth, but he remains faithful to God. We should have an eternal perspective and prioritize God's favor over the opinions of others. Zedekiah repeatedly rejects God's message through Jeremiah, reflecting how people often hate what we stand for when we stand up for truth. Trust in God is exhibited through obedience. We are called to pick up our cross and follow Jesus, fulfilling our purpose and doing what God has called us to do. In difficult times, we can turn to God in prayer and ask Him the tough questions. Jesus' cry on the cross teaches us humility and repentance. We should thank God for the lessons learned through hardships and seek His help for His glory. Our actions should align with God's will and bring Him glory.

Remain faithful to God's truth, even in the face of opposition and persecution.
Prioritize God's favor and an eternal perspective over the opinions of others.
People may hate what we stand for when we stand up for truth.
Trust in God is exhibited through obedience.
Fulfill our purpose and do what God has called us to do.
In difficult times, turn to God in prayer and ask Him the tough questions.
Learn humility and repentance from Jesus' cry on the cross.
Thank God for the lessons learned through hardships and seek His help for His glory.
Align our actions with God's will and bring Him glory.

Faithfulness to God's commands can have a lasting impact on future generations.
God can use our greatest mistakes and regrets for His redemptive purposes.
Even in difficult circumstances, we should seek to thrive and submit to God's will.
Proclaiming God's word may face opposition, but we should remain steadfast in our mission.

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