Prophesy or Become God’s Enemy

6 months ago

God commands His people to prophesy—or die! Yet, the vast majority of God’s own people today have chosen to ignore this life-saving warning. Understand why you must support God’s prophetic message to avoid becoming His enemy.


Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Micah delivered a thunderous warning to God’s people in this end time. He declared that most members of God’s Church just before the return of Jesus Christ would fall asleep spiritually! They would stop prophesying, which is a deadly mistake.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Micah—God’s People Rise Up as His Enemy to expose the most shocking betrayal in the history of God’s one true Church. God knew, far in advance, that His chosen people would turn away from Him in this age. Choosing whether to prophesy as God commands is no casual decision—it is a matter of life or death! God’s people need to wake up!

Study Micah—God’s People Rise Up as His Enemy to learn where God is working and warning today. Micah foretold an end-time “breaker”—a man in God’s Church who would break away from the rebels and follow Jesus Christ. This man would continue to prophesy while everyone around him ignored God’s warning. You can prove the identity of this man.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free book The New Throne of David. A dramatic change occurred within God’s Church back in 2017. You can prove it from your Bible. Ever since, God has held His people to a higher standard. They are expected to prophesy with greater strength and courage than ever before. The prophetic message they support is unpopular—a sobering warning against the British royal family and a powerful false church, and ultimately against the entire world. As the persecution heats up, only the loyal few will continue to prophesy boldly as God commands.

Study The New Throne of David to reveal the staggering reward God is offering to those who build their lives around prophesying His warning message.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s reprint article “Prophetic Duality.” A major key that unlocks Bible prophecy is the fact that God works in dual stages. Some Bible prophecies that have already come true anciently will be fulfilled yet again in this end time. That is prophetic duality. To understand your world, you need to understand this vital concept.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Micah—God’s People Rise Up as His Enemy, The New Throne of David, and “Prophetic Duality.” Order now!

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