Boy tortured & paralyzed neck down by DTAP VAXX poison injection

2 months ago
"As many of you know, Nash and the Grim Family have been through a long, difficult journey the past 6 months.
Nash was a healthy, happy baby. He was growing perfectly and hitting all of his milestones on time. He had even recently had his 6 month well child check and everything was perfect. On February 4th, their lives changed forever when Nash woke from a nap at daycare with purple lips and limp arms, struggling to breathe. He was intubated and life flighted to Children's Hospital in Omaha, where he was diagnosed with a form of Myelitis (inflammation and nerve damage to his spine). The CDC has not officially confirmed if this is Transverse Myelitis or Accute Flaccid Myelitis.
Nash now lives with a tracheostomy and a G-button for feeding. He has made some progress with extensive daily therapy, and he will finally get to go home soon.
During the past 6 months, Jordan has thankfully been able to work from Nash's hospital room, while Jake has been at home with their 2 older boys and continued working. But they have had to make trips every weekend and multiple times a week to be able to see each other and find a way to navigate this situation both mentally, physically, and financially.
Jordan has been an amazing advocate for Nash and has had to deal with fighting for insurance approvals every step of this journey. The next hurdle is getting home health care sorted out before Nash goes home. He will pretty much need Nursing care around the clock. Jake and Jordan are not ready to just accept the "good enough" progress Nash has made towards recovering. They want to offer him the best chance at a good quality of life. Options in the US healthcare system are extremely limited and expensive. They have basically reached the end of the rope with what is available here. Jordan has been reaching out to multiple doctors worldwide in search of a specialist who can provide a more advanced targeted approach for treatment and hopefully an option that can help with nerve regeneration via Stem Cell Therapy.

She has received numerous denials due to Nash's age/size. But, she has also recieved a few acceptances and some promising hope at giving Nash a fighting chance. She has narrowed it down to 2 different options: one is in Turkey and one is in Costa Rica. The approach is similar with both doctors...They would take young mesenchymal stem cells from an umbilical cord and inject them into his spine and lesions in hopes that will help regenerate the dead and damaged neurons.

The cost of this therapy would not be covered by insurance. They would be in a hospital there for up to 2 weeks. The total cost of flights, food, board, and the treatment, is between $35k-45k. They do have some money saved up, but just for a video consultation with the specialist in Turkey, they need $1k. There are a lot of details that still need to be worked out before they make a solid decision on which specialist to go with, but the first step is figuring out how to make it work financially.

As parents, you know there is no price tag on your child's quality of life. This therapy could possibly be the difference in Nash being able to come off the G-tube, Trach, regain normal lung and arm function, and walk again. I don't want them to miss out on this opportunity because of money or have to stress about it on top of everything else.

Please share this on every platform you use and get the word out for this sweet baby and his family! Please pray that God will provide a clear answer for Jordan and Jake on which specialist and hospital would be the best fit for Nash. And if you can't give anything financially right now, please just share and pray like crazy that God will provide a way for this treatment to be possible! The sooner he is able to have this done, the better!"

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