Make a stand for Christ, be stubborn for Him & let no one take away thy crown

2 months ago

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The video was produced in the outskirts of Cebu City, the Philippines on Sabbath, May 4, 2024.

In these end times, we need to stand strong with Christ, lest satan deceives you and destroys you. As Bible prophecy is coming to pass, we are witnessing all kinds of wickedness and people who are worshipping satan.

Satan’s objective is to make you turn away from God and to worship satan instead. Satan’s objective is to make you sin against God because sin separates us from God according to Isaiah 59:2 and sin leads to death according to Romans 6:23.

Satan doesn’t want you to be faithful and obedient to Christ and His holy written word. Satan doesn’t want you to abide with God in His love by keeping God’s holy ten commandments with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Satan wants to attack you as a roaring lion with all kinds of temptations to make you sin, to make your life a living hell and to make you his prey through complete discouragement by rejecting God and His love and wanting you to sin by breaking any of God’s holy ten commandments.

Satan is controlling the fallen, disobedient churches of Babylonian Christianity or non-biblical Christianity which has embraced all kinds of non biblical doctrines and sexual perversions...and worldly Christians are falling for it. They are falling for satan’s snares of being lukewarm and indifferent towards sin.

In Luke 17:26-27 and in Luke 21, Christ speaks of the end time signs that will precede His glorious return. In verse 36 of Luke 21, Christ is warning His followers of several things that we must do including:

1. To be watchful, every day, of our relationship with God, to watch what is happening around us and around the world as Christ’s end times signs are coming to pass.
2. Second, Christ says that we are to pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape all these escape all these terrible end time signs that shall come upon the earth.
3. And finally, Christ is warning us to STAND before Him. Not to crumble in weakness but to STAND before Him in readiness of heart, to be fully equipped with the Sword of the spirit, which is the written word of God, the Bible as we read in Ephesians 6:17.

In these tumultuous end times, make a stand for Christ, put your faith in Him, be stubborn for Him and His holy written word, which is the sword of the Spirit, including His holy ten commandments of love. Abide in His love. Abide in the faith of Christ and let no man take thy crown, which Christ has ready for you.

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