WTFR The Pushback 14-08-2024

6 months ago

Joss is joined by Colin, Leo, Emma (the star lady), Trish, Chris #1 & Damon, for a roundtable conflab with no round table in sight.

Colin STILL isn't suicidal, despite taking on the entire banking system singlehandedly, with the hope of freeing all mankind from perpetual slavery. If anything bad happens to Colin going forward, rest assured Hillary did it.

Leo STILL isn't dead, & he couldn't be less suicidal if he tried. He brought his usual political incorrectness (otherwise known as speaking his mind, & actually "speaking truth to power"), as well as homourous anecdotes & an introduction to words most people are unfamiliar with.

It was dead good to see Trish, who has been dying to join us for some time, but her commitments at HOPE Sussex got in the way - until now at least.

Damon told tales of victory concerning the non-erection of a brain frying device not too far from us, & was generally an all round good egg, as he always is.

Chris #1 expressed the need for leadership in some of the humanitarian campaigns brought by tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists in our region of Airstrip One.

Emma had us on the edge of our seats as she foretold of rumbling retrogrades & cosmic calamities for those drawn in by the appearance of zero choice. We always have a choice in how we deal with whatever the universe sends our way. Rest assured, the politicians & the billionaire criminal class KNOW exactly how this works, which is why they bide their time, & mete out their malevolence, precisely, when they do.

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