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Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - This Nation Is Mine - July 17, 2024 - Captions
In the prophecy, God declares that the nation will rise from the ashes and become stronger. He reassures that He is the Savior of the nation and will bring victory over its enemies. God urges His children to come alive in Him and receive His glory, as He plans to pour out His spirit and bring justice and judgment like never before. He also warns that those who seek to bring destruction will receive it themselves, and that He has a target on them. Overall, the prophecy emphasizes God's power, protection, and promise of restoration for His people and their nation.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 07-17-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
Today’s Scriptures:
Heb. 10:23
Matt. 24:24
John 16:33
Acts 2:17
Joel 2:28
1 Cor. 2:9
Isa. 54:17
Job 22:28
John 8:32
Isa. 33:22
Ps. 75:7
Ps. 7:11
Heb. 10:30
Ps. 103:19-20
2 Chron. 20:6
Dan. 4:17
Ps. 22:28
Prov. 8:15
Dan. 2:21
Ps. 82:8
Ps. 81:8, 13-14
Deut. 28:7
Isa. 60:1
Ps. 60:2
Col. 1:13
John 17:16
John 1:14
Hag. 2:8
Ps. 105:37
Luke 10:19
1 Thess. 5:9
John 10:27
Neh. 8:10
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday already and it's July 17th of 2024 and thank you for joining today's live show and I do want to make announcement that yes, I will be on With pastor Dave today at 11 o'clock central time. I look forward to Wednesdays with pastor Dave, I look forward to see what God is doing, what he is saying, because I do want to mention something.
There is a lot of disinformation out there. There is a lot of information that is out there that is meant to confuse people. It is meant to distract people. It is meant to get people to get in fear or worry or confuse. It is just frustrating because no one knows what to believe or what not to believe.
Well, this is a time we have to have that firm focus foundation on God. We had a firm focus foundation on his word because his word is truth. And that sets us free. Now is the time for the body of Christ to have more discernment than ever before. You cannot just believe everything you see. Or everything that you're hearing.
Because right now, the enemies are doing everything they possibly can to distract you, confuse you, frustrate you, anger you. Whatever they can do to get you off of the written word of God. To get you off of truth. They don't want you to know God's word. They don't want you to believe in God's word. They especially don't want you to believe that it actually comes to pass and he's faithful to perform his word.
There's a lot of disinformation. This is another type of war and a tactic of war of the enemy. If you're looking to the right. They're doing something on the left or vice versa. You're looking to the left and they're doing something to the right. We have to have that focus on God because even the last days God said even his chosen one could be deceived and some will be.
But if we have that firm focus on God, then we will know Lord this is what is going on. This is what it looks like. But what do you say about it? That's why it's so important for you to have fellowship with the Lord, for you to get in the word of God and you to seek out these scriptures. And you to ask God for revelation and you to ask God what you should do, what you should not do, what you should believe and what not to believe.
We have to know God is the only answer. He's a way, he's a truth, and he's a life. Many people look to certain people, but you can't look to people. Don't put your total trust in people. Because you're going to start seeing more things come out. Now you're going to start seeing disinformation come out too.
While God is exposing the enemies of almighty God, who were wolves in sheep's clothing and who were wolves in the body of Christ. Then the enemy is trying to counteract that and he's trying to disprove God's chosen ones. So you have to know that, you know, that, you know, you can't just trust in people.
That's why I tell you all the time, don't take my word for it and get into the scriptures, get into the word of God. Things are going to intensify. We saw what they, the desperation that they're at. We saw what happened last weekend. They're not done. God has warned us about that. But again, I will say this when I even said it yesterday, when I was on with Clay and I was answering, I did some Q and a, and I was answering some questions and people were asking, what about another assassination attempt?
What about this? Well, you know, who's going to protect president Trump? Obviously, if he doesn't have secret service, he can trust. We can trust in God. God proved even though everything was a setup and there was gaps and security, God protected. That's who we look at. We don't look to man. We look to God.
He's a solution to every problem that we face today. He is the answer to every question. That we have. God is everything. You need him to be. You need him to be a problem solver. He'll solve that problem. You need him to be a father who comforts you. He will be that. You need someone to help you in an impossible situation.
He will show up. God is everything. Is the one you should stay focused on because the enemy is going to try to discourage you in every way Shape and form he's going to try to get you overwhelmed and burdened down But that again is where you have that firm focus foundation on him on the father God
Just like I read to you so many different times in John 16 33 in the world you have Tribulation and trials and distress and frustration, but be of good cheer. I've overcome the world I've deprived it of its power to harm you and I've conquered it for you failure and defeat are not in Your future is that the future of this nation?
Is that the future of the body of Christ no matter how much the enemy tries to destroy it? He's trying to divide. He's trying to bring great fear and darkness into this world. But God is going to bring light, His glory, and freedom. And of course, His goodness. So that is what we focus on. Don't focus on everything you hear on the internet.
Some things are true and some things are not. They are there to confuse you. And who's the author of confusion? Satan. That's even scriptural. That's why if you have that firm focus foundation on the Father, you won't get confused. The enemies are, they are confused, they're in panic, they're desperate, and they're definitely in fear.
But God has us. We should be steadfast and focused on Him. If we are, no matter how bad the storm is. We shall not be moved. So hope that encouraged you this morning. Now, if I have time today, I actually really enjoyed doing that Q and A yesterday when Clay was actually having some technical difficulties, I started having technical difficulties the same time he did.
I wonder why I'm just saying people don't like people saying the truth. So anyway, while he was off for a while I started doing a Q and a session session. So the reason why I say I'm not really surprised because even with Rudy Giuliani, I started having technical problems. The enemies don't like certain people, especially telling the truth.
Okay. You have to know that. And sometimes they mess with computers, they mess with technology. They do that because they don't like the truth being told. So anyway, I was on doing this Q and a, and I actually had a lot of fun doing it. And so if I have time today get your questions ready. And I might be able to do that later on after I give this prophetic works.
I know I don't usually. Do that. I don't usually pay attention to the chat very often. I mean, I'm just had that focus, but I also know that there's a lot of people that have this question. And I want to make sure those questions are answered to the best of my ability. And I'll ask God, of course, to give me the wisdom to say exactly what you need to hear and answer those, some of those questions that you have.
Okay. Now somebody just asked, Julie, did you accept Chris's proposal to marry you again? Yeah, I saw that. Yes, of course. I accepted his marriage proposal again, and I will always accept it. We've been together for a very long time and there's nothing going to change that. So yes, I did accept that proposal once again.
So that's just some fun for the morning. Okay. This caught my attention cause I wasn't going to look at that yet. So, all right, now let's go over this prophetic word really quick before I go over some question answers.
Okay, now this is the third Prophecy that I actually heard on Sunday. Okay, like I said, I'll get to the Q& A session maybe later on after I get to this prophecy and then the Revelation that the Lord has given. Okay. So this is the third one now This is the one that I did teach on on Sunday morning I heard it actually in service on Sunday morning during our praise and worship time and Then I actually stood up and my dad actually said, do you have something to say?
And I said, yes, I actually do. And so then I taught on that Sunday morning. So this is the actual prophecy that I heard during church on Sunday morning. Right before service started. This was during praise and worship proof is coming how your enemies are trying to stop The next election. Is this the right one?
Hold on. Nope. I got out the second one. I apologize. Hold on I had too many up. Here we go. Okay, this is the right one The third one for that day is called This Nation is Mine.... This Nation is Mine. This was the third prophecy from Sunday. This country will rise from the ashes. This nation will persevere.
This nation will become stronger. This nation will come alive in me. This nation will rise in a triumphant victory. This nation is mine and your enemies will know that I Am the Savior of this nation and I Am the Savior of this earth. My plans, my will, my people will go forward as your enemies will retreat and receive their defeat
they so deserve.
My children, this is the time to come alive in me. This is the time to receive my glory in a greater way than ever before. Your enemies meant to bring death and destruction, but I have come to bring life and restoration. The attack on your nation will bring the opposite of what your enemies wanted out of this. It'll bring death and it'll bring their death and their destruction and it has solidified their exits from their power.
Not only will my David be stronger in me, my children will be stronger in me. My nation will be stronger in me. So to my army and to my nation and to my chosen generation, you are alive on this earth when I will pour out my spirit like never before, I will rain down my judgment and justice like the world has never seen.
This is my time to shine my light upon my children, to destroy the great darkness in this earth. My children declare and decree my love, declare and decree my goodness, declare and decree my faithfulness. Declare and decree my justice. Declare and decree my freedom that I have provided for you with the shedding of my son's blood.
All this is yours now, your freedoms, your restoration, your life, your blessing. Everything has already been provided for you. Now it's time to tap into what i've already given to you, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. Now, this is something that I heard again on sunday, then this was later on.... Okay, I did not give this little part out during sunday service because I heard this afterwards Okay, so this is what I also heard They have a target On my son, but I have a target on them! They will miss... ...again... and I won't says the Lord. Your enemy's hearts are fixed on destruction, But it's theirs That they will receive, they will see and receive.
They are about to unleash their fury upon this earth, but they are about to receive mine! So those are the things that I heard after it was after service. It was not during the service. So I did not give this part out. Okay, but the Lord really wanted me to get this part out today. I'm going to read that little part again.
They have a target on my son, but I have a target on them. They will miss again, and I won't, says the Lord. Your enemy's hearts are fixed on destruction, but it is theirs that they will see and receive. They're about to unleash their fury upon this earth, but they are about to receive mine. So those are the things that are heard afterwards.
Now, I want to go over some scriptures. Now, one of the things that people have to realize in this time also, and when he was bringing this out, let me go back up to that. When he says about, we're going to receive something like never before. Yeah, here it is. You are alive on this earth when I will pour out my spirit like never before.
As soon as I read that, this is a scripture that's coming up to my spirit immediately. I did not have this one written down. Go to Acts chapter 2. And verse 17 acts chapter 2 and verse 17 now, this is also in joel chapter 2 Okay, but we're going to read it out of acts chapter 2 and it shall come to pass in the last days God declares that I will pour out my spirit upon all mankind and your sons and daughters shall prophesy Telling forth divine counsels and your young men shall see visions and divinely granted appearances in your old men shall dream divinely Suggested dreams.
This is what God is talking about in the last days, which we're in he's gonna pour out a spirit Upon the earth on all flesh. So then he says then your sons and daughters shall prophesy This is where we are at in time This is when he's going to pour out his spirit upon up his spirit upon all flesh his glory Remember, he said he's going to fill this world or this earth with his glory You Just like he filled the earth with flood, the flood was Noah with water.
And that was to cleanse and to purify and destroy the evil that was upon the earth in that time. Well, God's been telling us he's gonna flood the earth again, but because the sign of his rainbow He had promised noah and all of us. That's why we still see the rainbow That's what the rainbow stands for.
It was a promise of almighty God saying I will never destroy the earth like that again So he's talking about a flood upon this earth He's not going to talk talking about water and that type of destruction to cause that type of cleansing this time He's pouring out his glory Upon this earth, which is his presence You His power and his goodness and his presence, his power, his goodness is going to flood this earth.
And that's why you're seeing so much prophecy. That's why you're seeing so many people having dreams and visions. And that's why you're seeing so many miracles and signs and wonders where you're going to keep. Because God is going to flood this earth with his, with his glory to cleanse the earth from that darkness that has this devouring the earth.
So that's what God says he's going to do in Acts chapter 2. And again, it's also talked about that. And Joel chapter two. So when he says, I'm going to do things that no eyes ever seen and no ears ever heard. This is what he's talking about. He's going to do things to a degree that no one's ever seen. And just like, you know, on Saturday, people are trying to say it was staged.
That is the stupidest thing ever. I don't even know how people are even saying that. Why would president Trump put his life on the line? To, to move his head at the exact time, which you could easily mess that up, and then have somebody else or other people potentially die. He is not like that. And then that, that, that's just stupid.
He would not put himself in harm's way, nor would he put anybody else in harm's way. He loves this country. He would stand, obviously he even took a bullet for us. He's been standing and fighting this entire deep state in the swamp, and the globalists. He's lost so much. Why would he people saying out that again, disinformation is another form of disinformation because people want to discredit God.
They want to take God out of the entire thing. They don't want people believe in a miracle. They don't want people believe that God is standing in and protecting president Trump or this nation. So what they did try to do, they try to cause confusion. They try to say, Oh, well, it's too impossible. For something like that to happen to that degree, how just in time, until it's had just a certain way, and they try to discredit it.
Because they don't understand the miracle power of almighty God. They don't understand El Shaddai, who's a God who nothing is impossible. So they try to just shoo it away and they try to explain it away. Well, you can't explain God away. They can try all they want, but it's not going to work. He said he was going to save a nation, and he did.
He said he was going to protect our president, and he did. He said they try to assassinate him, and they did. Are they done? Probably not. But either way, what we have to do is focus on God, that no matter what anybody tries to do to this country, because God said they're going to try, He said they're going to release their fury, if they try to release their fury, which they will try, doesn't mean they'll be successful, what do we do?
We stand and say no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Isaiah 5417 you decree a thing it says that in Job. Let's turn there really quick Job 22. I quote it all the time I know that let's go to Job 22 in verse 28 You shall also decide and decree a thing and it shall be established for you and the light of God's favor shall shine upon your ways So what do we do?
We say no weapon formed against this nation shall prosper. You say that about your nation as well, depending on where you live. You say no weapon formed against my mind shall prosper. I will not give in to disinformation. I will not give in to the seats of the enemy because I know God's word. God's word is truth.
And that truth sets me free. So I will not be in captivity. That's what God's people need to do on a continual basis. Start declaring and decreeing the word of God over you. Again, somebody asked me yesterday in that Q and A, who is protecting president Trump, if you know, obviously the secret service isn't.
Well, God is, again, I don't, I want, we want to be very, very clear. I'm not against the secret service. I'm only against the bureaucrats who sent them there. They were not prepared. They sent intent people. I'm not against those people. Okay. The people who were there to do some do harm. Yes. I'm against them who they are.
I don't know how many they are. Don't know. Okay. So I want to make that very clear, but what we have to do is when, because God's been warning us about president Trump, having people that are traitors inside of his circle and many different aspects. So what do we have to do? We have to pray, declare and decree.
That he will know the enemy that is in his midst. Just like that. We will know the enemies in our midst. We will know the enemies in our government, the enemies that are even in people think, and yes, I believe a lot of things in the RNC is happening right now that are very good. Okay. I truly have seen a lot of things.
I've not watched very much of it. I've only watched a couple of clips here and there. I don't, again, haven't really watched much. Some of the things I saw, it was awesome. How people were praying. That's really awesome. And it's amazing. It was amazing seeing president Trump come out. I saw his demeanor change.
It was amazing. But at the same time, I know the enemy is trying to do something from within. They're not done. Infiltrating. There are people that are there that don't belong there, that are wolves in sheep's clothing. There are things going on still that we need to pray about in the Republican party. You still have deep state.
You still have people that look like they're good when they're not. And that's why we have to ask God to shine a light upon those who don't belong. And again, I, I love seeing the prayers. I love seeing people give attention to God. I haven't watched it. I've only heard people talk about it. And I love that.
But there are still deeply rooted things that are going on that people have to be aware of. Okay, so what we see some things are really awesome, and I'm not discrediting that, but I'm telling you, we have to pray regarding people that are inside of that convention and people that will be inside his cabinet or inside his circle inside anywhere because the enemy is not done because the enemies know that they're going to lose this next election.
Thank you It's obvious it's written on the wall, but at the same time, they're not done infiltrating. If they can't get him one way, they will get president Trump another way. That's why we, as the army of the Lord had to hold that line, stand and pray and fight that good fight of faith. We got to fight it for him.
We got to fight it for our country. We have to fight it for the body of Christ because we have infiltrators in the body of Christ that we're going to start soon seeing their exposure. And I have seen it firsthand. When you think somebody is really pure and you think something is really good, And then it's like a light bulb goes off and the Lord gives that discernment and shows you the person that you thought was really good is really so not.
Okay. Even in the body of Christ. So that's the reason why you'd be very, very, very, very careful on what you are listening to and ask God. Okay. If he's giving you niggles, pay attention to those niggles and pray into it. So I want to go back over some of this and I want you guys all to be very diligent to pray for the RNC, but also to pray for the Republican party.
Okay. Still and pray for just the establishment. Is not being able to to get in the roots deeply rooted still in in there. Okay now I want to read something to you because in the first paragraph of this prophecy God says this country will rise from the ashes this nation will persevere This nation will become stronger.
This nation will come alive in me This nation will rise in a triumphant victory, and this nation is mine. I want to read you several different scriptures this morning that the Lord was showing me how, when people say, well, why does God have anything to do with politics? He wouldn't have anything to do with government.
Why does He care who's in leadership? I want to show you that God is the one who's in control over the earth and over the governments and nations. So, I want you guys to turn to, ahem, go to Isaiah 33,
Isaiah 33 in verse 22,
and, ahem,
this is something I I gotta stop, I gotta stop flipping over that page. Here we go. Isaiah 33, 22. For the Lord is our judge. The Lord is our lawgiver. The Lord is our king. He will save us. Let me read that again. The Lord is our judge. Remember, he's a judge over all the earth. You can find that in Isaiah, or I'm sorry, in Psalm 75 And I quote that a lot.
I have read it to you a lot. Psalm 75 in verse 7. He is a judge over all the earth. He takes down one and he lifts up another. So God does remove. Leaders of nations and even destroys nations that are against him. And then he will rise up leaders that are for him and rise up nations that are with him. So God does have a lot to do.
That's an involved in nations when people just weren't giving him credit or they weren't even realizing that he even cared about it. But he does Isaiah 33 22 for the Lord is our judge. The Lord is our law giver. He's the one who's given us a laws in this land and you have men and a global government or an establishment trying to trying to twist the laws in our land from for we have freedom to we are in bondage and captivity.
But God is the law giver. So even though the enemies of almighty God are trying to change things, God is the one who gives them and God is the one who will uphold them. We just have to believe and trust in God that he will do that. Now look, it also says the Lord is our King. He's our rightful leader. And so when we make God our King and we make God our, you know, our leader of our nation, our leader of our life, that's when we are we are blessed.
That we are highly favored, that we have victory, because we're making God our first priority. And then it says, He will save us. It doesn't say He might. It says, He will. You have to get it into your heart that God can save you, God will save you. And how does God save you? He is the God of surprises. We're not going to know how he's going to do all these things, but we just know that he can, and he will, and he will surprise us.
On how he does it. Okay. Go to Psalms 7 11, Psalms 7 11.
And it says, God is a righteous judge. Yes. A God who's indignant every day. Now I want to read something. I want to read that out of the C E V translation, Psalms 7 11. And it says, you see that justice is done each day. You take revenge. Now again, God is a God who avenges us. He said, vengeance is mine.
Hebrews 1030, the meting out in the full justice rests with me. The justice rests with God. Vengeance Rest with God. We just have to trust him that he will do it. Okay, psalms 103 and verse 19
psalms 103 and verse 19 now I want to say something to you guys really quick too while you guys are waiting or even turning to that scripture now Last when I taught I taught this on three days ago on Sunday when I read this prophetic word This is entirely different teaching Totally different teaching, different scriptures.
That's what's so amazing about God. His word is inexhaustible. He will teach you great revelations and expound upon his words. Is that just maybe one revelation in a prophetic word? There could be several. That's what's awesome about him. So, okay, so even if you saw it on Sunday, it's not gonna be the same teaching.
All right Psalms 103 in verse 19 and the Lord has established his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules Over all so right there in Psalms 103 in verse 19 God's kingdom Rules overall that means he's ruling over this establishment He's ruling over all this unjust and all these tyrannical governments that are all over the world No, no, no God is the one he rules over all the earth They may think they have everything that they want.
They may think they have the nations exactly how they want them But God is the one who rules over all the earth and then say some people say then Why are these governments the way they are? How come they've had a foothold? How can they do so much evil and destruction because people did not give God Invite him into these places.
They actually uninvited him And they were looking to man and said, looking to him to solve their problem. And God is a gentleman. That's why he's trying to get his people's attention right now. When you take God out of a government, what are you left with? You're left with the adversary. There is no gray there.
It's either God or it's the devil, period. The end. So if you take God out of a government, you take God out of our justice system. And I'm not talking about just even the United States, this is everywhere. If you take God out of things, what are you left with? Just like the children of Israel. When God was the one who was in control and he had the prophets that were giving the instructions, And giving what God needed them and got leading and guiding them as a nation.
All of a sudden, at one time they said, no, we just want it like everybody else. We just want a King. We want to be like every other nation. We want a man as our ruler. Well, guess what? They got what they wanted and then they got themselves in trouble. When a nation goes away from God, they put themselves in trouble.
Is that because God wanted that to happen is because they literally shoved God out. And so when you shove God out. And well, goodness leaves with him. Truth and justice and liberty leaves with him. A health of a nation leaves with him.
But that's how religious leaders and the government in our country got rid of God because they twisted something that our constitution had said, manipulated it. Satan got in and he's still dealing with religious leaders today. And he's still trying to destroy governments and still trying to destroy nations.
That our hearts are toward the God. And so what we have to do is we have to put God.
So let's keep reading So psalm 103 and i'll read verse 19 again The lord has established his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules over all verse 20 bless affectionately gratefully praise The lord you his angels you mighty ones who do his commandments hearkening to the voice of his word We have to give God's word a voice You Speak God's Word.
Declare God's Word. Agree with the Word. Speak it out. That Word is a weapon. So that's how we use it against our enemy in the time that we're in. We have to get into the Word of God. Make this a priority. Not your TV shows. Not entertainment, not your social media.
I barely even get on some of that stuff. I definitely don't even get on Facebook anymore. I used to be on Facebook just because I wanted to see family. I wanted to see, you know, my nieces and nephews growing up or things like that when they're not around. I couldn't even, I couldn't even be on that. Every once in a while I might have to put something on, but that's it.
I don't, I'm not on there. I'm just, I don't. One, I don't want that to take away from my spending time with God. So make sure that God is still your priority in your life. You can have, you can, you know, you can watch movies and you can watch TV shows, just make sure that they're not first priority in your life.
And when God's trying to get your attention, it's being drowned out by the TV. Okay, so let's go to 2 Chronicles. I just read this entire, well, I gave this story out to you. 2 Chronicles 20, but go to verse 6. Because they had a great revelation of how powerful God was. Upon this Earth two Chronicles 20 verse six, and it says, oh Lord, our God our Father, are you not the God in heaven?
And do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations and your hand is, they're not power and might so that no one is able to withstand you. They knew. That's why they had to remind themselves and said, God, aren't you that God that you are the one who rules over the nations? We have a great mighty army that's coming against us, but isn't your hand more powerful than them?
Our Father, our Heavenly Father, He does rule over the nations and His hand is more powerful than any power they would dream of having.
Their power is nothing compared to God's. Daniel, go to Daniel 4, 17.
Daniel 4, 17. This decision is by the decree of the watchers and the sentences by the word of the holy ones in order that he living may know that he is the most high and he rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he will and sets it, it to the lowest of men. God is the one who makes the decisions.
That's why I've told you guys before, even in 2020, God is the one who allowed that to happen, not for our destruction, but for the enemy's destruction and for their exposure. I want to read that one again. I might even, you know what, I'm going to check it out of the CEV translation. Never read it out of there, but let's check it
Daniel 4
and verse 12 out of the CEV translation
Okay And it says it was covered with leaves and was heavy with fruit enough for all nations While animals enjoyed its shade and birds nested in its branches and all the creatures on the earth They were No, that's not the right one. I went to verse 12 and it was supposed to be 17. Sorry 17.
Okay. I fat fingered it. I meant to say 417. Now CEV, this punishment is given at the command of the holy angels. It will show to all who live that God, the most high controls all kingdoms and chooses their rulers. Persons of humble birth. So you have people that have stolen seats of power. But again, when you have people that are not looking to Godly men and women.
You have, they look into somebody who is eloquently that can speak or somebody, you know, who looks like they're a great politician. I don't want to know if they're a great politician or not. I could get to hoots. I don't care if you're a great politician. I want to know where your heart's at. I want to know if your heart's fixed on God.
And if you're going to uphold the law of our country and our constitution, and if you are standing for freedom and for justice and what rightfully is ours, I don't care if they're rough around the edges. But as long as their heart's right, they may not be able to speak eloquently. I know I don't. I know sometimes I stutter and I might mispronounce a word or whatever.
I might say a wrong word. And instead of another word, I make mistakes. I'm human. But again, it's where are people's hearts? Are their hearts fixed on him? But I love it when it says again, Daniel 4, 17. This punishment is given at the command of the holy angels. It will show to all who live that the most high God controls all kingdoms and chooses their rulers, persons of humble birth.
They may think that they've chosen and God may, you know, let them think that they've chosen it. But again, God will have the final say God will have his way. No matter what it looks like right now. Psalms 22 and 28,
Psalms 22 and 28 for the kingship and the kingdom are the Lord's and he is the ruler over. See, when you take God out of of stuff, where, so religious people and the government got together and decided God doesn't care. He's not involved in politics. He doesn't want to be in government. I'm sorry, but all the scriptures that I'm reading in the word say the exact contrary to that.
And I'm going to believe God's word over what I'm going to believe something that somebody says. That try to twist a word that doesn't make sense to what the actual word of God is saying. Let's read more Proverbs 8
Proverbs 8 and 15 by me kings reign and rulers decree Justice God saying by me kings reign So again, it does show you that God cares who's ruling and reigning in a nation He doesn't want just anybody But again, he needs us to be in agreement with him. Let's also turn to let's go back to the book of Daniel.
Daniel 2 21, Daniel 2 21. He changes the times and the seasons. He removes Kings and sets up Kings. He removes Kings. And sets up kings. So the last like three or four years that God's been talking about removals of people at least three years It's close to four now, but he's been talking about removals.
Well, God does care About who is in a seat of power and if they will not remove themselves Or the people have their votes taken away to remove someone then God will step in God Will remove the king
He changes the times and the seasons. He removes Kings and sets up Kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge of those. So again, God does remove people from power. Psalms 82 and verse 8, then I'll go back over this prophetic word and then I'll hopefully I'll answer a couple of questions for you today. If I, if I can, I mean, not every day I will be able to do a question and answering session, but I'll, I'll try to answer some of your questions. Psalms 82 in verse 8
now bear with me because if I start asking and the chat goes crazy It's hard for me to read it when it goes that fast. All right now Psalm 82 in verse 8 and it says arise Oh God judge the earth for to you belong all the nations So again, that's what David talks about. In Psalms, he's talking about how God is the one who rules over the nations.
David had a great revelation of this. Again, you have him fighting a lion, fighting a bear, fighting a lion, fighting with King Saul who was trying to kill him, and also fighting other armies that were trying to kill him. God does care about who is in leadership. Whether the enemies of Almighty God want to acknowledge that or not, it doesn't matter because it doesn't change a thing.
They don't believe it doesn't mean it's not true. And then here's another one that I really want to go over to Psalm 81 in verse eight. Hear all my people while I admonish you, Oh Israel, if you would listen to me. So again, God is trying to get our attention to listen to him. I know he was also trying to get president Trump's to listen to him too.
And not just everyone around him. God really wants to the attention of all of his children. They says in Psalm 81 in verse 13, Oh, that my people would listen to me. That Israel would walk in my ways, verse 14, speedily, then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries. So we have a part to play in that.
Do you see that? God is saying, if they would only listen to me, God needs us to pay attention to him, to listen to him and obey him. Oh, that my people would listen to me, that they would walk in my ways. Speedily. So we have a part to play. Everyone thinks it's just, it's all we got. Yes. God can do this, but he needs our obedience and he needs us to listen to him.
Then he would speedily subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries. God needs us to listen and obey so he will subdue and destroy our Enemies. Okay. I have a whole entire page of scriptures here, but I'm not gonna get to them all right now Let's go back over this prophetic word again.
So I want to read I can get there It's hiding from me here
too many pages open. Okay,
this country will rise from the ashes This nation will put will persevere This nation will become stronger. This nation will come alive in me. This nation will rise in a triumphant victory. This nation is mine, and your enemies will know that I Am the savior of this nation, and I Am the savior of this earth.
My plans, my will, my people will go forward as your enemies will retreat and receive their defeat. They so deserve. Remember it says in Deuteronomy 28, verse 7, Your enemies come before you one way, but they flee before you seven ways. God is telling us that we are going to have this victory. We're going to receive this victory, but our enemies are going to receive a great defeat.
They're going to, they're on the retreat. Right now you can see their scatterbrained. They're just they're confused. They're angry. They're they're separated They're destroying themselves. You can see that and it's gonna grow in intensity. And when you also see that they're gonna grow in desperation Obviously what they even did over the weekend was very sloppy.
It was very obvious that this was an inside job
I mean, it was way more obvious than I think JFK's was Way more, but also now you have cell phones. You have people taking recordings everywhere. I mean it was they were just stupid Stupid to do it and they were stupid and how they did it and guys that they were gonna start making major major mistakes And we're starting to see that now.
Okay. So here's the next paragraph my children This is a time to come alive in me. So this is where a guy is talking about in Isaiah 60
This is where God's saying come alive in me. All right. This is the scripture. He's given me right now Isaiah 60 verse 1 arise from the desperation and prostration in which circumstances have kept you rise to a new life Shine and be radiant with the glory of the Lord for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you So God is telling us to rise How do we do that?
To stand, to fight that good fight of faith, to have that firm, focused foundation on Him, to never surrender, to not quit, to look up and think about all the things of His Word, to think about what is good, what is lovely, and what is of a good report. We had to think about what things that our God is saying and not the things that their enemies are trying to to, to get us in fear discouraged over.
We need to think about the things that are in the word of God and how good God really is and, and his word is truth. And His word is the one who sets us free. God's word sets us free. Now, Psalm 60 in verse 2. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness all people's butt. So even though you're gonna see dense darkness that's been covering the earth, you're gonna see evil that's been controlling the earth.
But look what God says, But the Lord shall rise upon you, O Jerusalem, and his glory shall be seen on you. God's glory will be seen on his people. So he says in this paragraph, My children, this is a time to come alive in me. This is a time to receive my glory in a greater way than ever before. Your enemy is meant to bring death and destruction.
We have been seeing that. Our enemies are meaning to be death and destruction on a continual basis. They definitely meant that on Saturday, they meant to bring death and destruction, not for one and only one person. They meant to bring death and destruction to our country, but I have come to bring life and restoration.
So either people are going to pay attention to the death and destruction that the enemies are going to, are trying to bring, or you're going to pay attention to the life and the restoration that God's trying to bring. Again, let's not be like our ancestors. God's saying this nation is one nation under God.
He's saying this nation is gonna come alive again. This nation is gonna be stronger in him. This nation is gonna be, is persevered. This nation is gonna rise up above and above the ashes. We're gonna believe that we can take our nation back. What God is giving to us, He's answering our prayers or we're going to be like the ancestors in the wilderness and stand there for 40 years because they didn't believe the word of God.
I choose not to believe. I don't want to be like them. I don't want to Say God God say hey, this is yours and then say well, it doesn't look like it. So i'm not going to receive it I don't want to be that I want to see what God has who says but I have come to bring life and restoration He says the attack on your nation Attack on our nation, just even the other day.
The attack on your nation will bring the opposite of what your enemies wanted out of us. They wanted death and destruction on Saturday. They wanted an entire destruction of our country as a whole. They wanted to destroy any hope we had. They wanted to destroy the life, of course, of President Trump, his family, and everything he stood for.
He stood for our freedoms. He stood for the destruction of the deep state. He stood for taking back this country and making it great again. MAGA make America great again. Well, I'm sitting there saying also make America Godly again. Not just great, but Godly. The enemies wanted total destruction on that day, but instead, we are going to rise up above out of it, we're going to be greater despite anything that the enemies are trying to do, and what we have to do is have that firm, focused foundation on God that God will see us through.
Make America Godly. Again, put God back in everything. The attack on your nation will bring the opposite of what your enemies wanted out of this. It will bring their death and their destruction. It will solidify their exits from their power. He's destroying their power. He's bringing death to their establishment, death to their globalism, death to their plans.
That's what he's doing. And he says, and he's removing them. Out of their positions. I just read you several scriptures There's even more than that But I read you several scriptures about how God is the one Who is control and had is a judge over all the earth And he is the one who can take a king and remove a king and bring in another one God is that God now it says not only will my david be stronger in me So because of what happened they try to take him out and destroy his life No, and could they not do that?
They did not destroy his life, but now he's gonna have even a greater walk with Almighty God. He's already, he was already born again for a while. He knew God as his Savior, okay? He asked him, Savior's into his heart, but now he's gonna know him as Lord. That's different. That's like making him first priority in your life.
Nothing else matters. That's different. He says, my children will be stronger in me. So now the body of Christ is gonna be stronger in God. My nation will be stronger in me. Again, make America Godly again. This nation is gonna be a nation that's one nation under God again. Not under a tyrannical, rogue, unruly establishment.
And that's what we're fighting against. So to my army, now who is that army? Not only is it angel armies, but it's also we're in the army of the Lord. So he's talking to us too. To my nation and to my chosen generation, we're You are alive on this earth when I will pour out my spirit like never before. I will rain down my judgment and my justice like the world has never seen.
This is my time to shine my light upon my children to destroy the great darkness in this earth. Now I just read to you several different scriptures regarding this. And Acts chapter two, but I also want to read something to you really quick before I go to this next paragraph Because God talks about to destroy the great darkness in this earth.
Go to, he's bringing this scripture up to me right now. Also,
I'm watching time. Okay, so go to Colossians Colossians 1 and verse
13, the father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and dominion of darkness and has transferred us in the kingdom of his son of his love. He has drawn us out of that darkness. So even though there's a lot of darkness still in this earth, God has drawn us out of it. We're in this world, but we are not of it.
That's what Jesus was talking about in John 17. So again, he's drawn us out of that darkness, so we're not subject to that darkness. Then in the next paragraph says, My children, declare and decree my love. Remember, if you decree a thing, it shall be established. So now decree God's love, decree, declare and decree my goodness, declare and decree my faithfulness, declare and decree my justice, declare and decree my freedom that I have provided for you with the shedding of my son's blood.
This is what God wants you to declare and decree. This is more of your marching orders that God wants you to say, declare his love, declare his faithfulness, declare his goodness, declare his justice, declare your freedom that is already rightfully yours because of what Jesus has done for you. He says all this is yours now your freedoms your restoration your life your blessing everything has already been provided for you Now it is time to tap into what I have already given to you sayeth the Lord your Redeemer We have to tap in to what God has already given to us now This is the last the last part.
I heard after this after service. Like I said And he said, they have a target on my son. He's talking about David again. He's talking about president Trump, but I have a target on them. They will miss again. And I won't says the Lord. Now, again, whether they do it or not, whether you will see it or not, well, you will know about it or not.
I don't know, but all they says, they have a target on my son, but I have a target on them. They will miss. And I won't, says Lord. Your enemy's hearts are fixed on destruction, but it is theirs that they will see and receive. So they, they had their hearts fixed, they want to completely destroy us, destroy this nation, and God says they're only going to see their own destruction.
Kind of like Pharaoh. Pharaoh had his heart fixed on destroying God's people and keeping them enslaved, so they would build his kingdom. They would build his empire. And Pharaoh saw the destruction of himself and his men. They are about to unleash their fury upon this earth, but they are about to receive mine.
So God is telling us they're going to do things against this world and against this earth and against our nations. They're going to bring on fury, but he is saying they are going to try to unleash it. Doesn't say they're going to accomplish it. They're going to try to unleash it, but they are about to receive mine.
And that's God's judgment and that's God's justice. Okay. Now, before I get into the prayer, I will go in to answer a couple of questions, okay, before I end today's live show, I made sure that I ended it early, so I will answer some questions. So what are your guys's questions that you would like for me to answer before we go into prayer?
Are the last books of the bible from God or a distraction the last books of the bible are from God Everything in the bible is from God scriptures are written And given by God so the word even says in God's word that he became flesh the word became flesh God is his word So you see what's in the word of God and people don't understand like the last books of the bible Especially the book of revelation They have a lot of questions about the book of revelation People are even thinking that we're in the book of revelation right now We are not in the great tribulation right now.
It'll be far worse than what we're seeing We're seeing a foreshadowing Of what is to come later on this is not that right now You You are seeing them, the globalists and the, the one world government trying to form even quicker now, but God is saying it's not that time. Julie, did you hear the loud boom heard yesterday from New Jersey to New York?
They are claiming that it was a meteor came close to the Statue of Liberty. No, I did not hear about that. I, I, I, God says we're going to, it's going to be unusual times that we're living in right now. Why did Trump's shoes fall off any significance? I don't know if there was any significance. I did hear his shoes fell off because of how hard that the secret service actually fell upon him, knocked his shoes off his feet.
But I don't know if that's really any, any significance at all, but I do truly believe that president Trump is definitely different. When you have a near death experience like that, I truly believe now he'll be searching after God more than he was before. I believe he'll be paying attention to God before more than he ever has before.
I do believe that what Satan was trying to do against president Trump will actually turn it in for something good. God will turn it into something good. What does God say about JD Vance? I got this answer. I got this question yesterday. I don't know enough about J. D. Vance. I can tell you some of the things that I've read, some things I I'm seeing.
Some things are great and some things are not. And that's why I want to tell you all of you right now, this is where you had to pray for discernment. Okay. I don't know about him. I don't know a lot about him. I never really heard about him before. I don't know if I've ever heard him speak. Cause again, I don't really watch the news unless it comes into prophecy.
So I don't really know much about him to tell you if he is good or if he is not, but God will reveal to us if he is good or if he is not. Okay. So you might hear things, you might see things. And so what we have to do when we take that information is we have to ask God, okay, this is what it looks like.
Because remember, he said some people will be looking and seeming like they're good. And they're not and some people that look like they're bad when they're really good That's why God says that things are not how they appear to be So don't jump to conclusions and don't say, you know, oh, he's so awesome.
He's so awesome or oh, he's so bad. He's so bad You have to pray anybody when it comes to what's going on because I still believe in my heart whether it's him or not Because like I said, I don't know i'm not going to judge the man i'm not and I haven't prayed into it enough yet to say yes, he is this way or yes He is not this way because you know what?
Even if he was not a good person before God can always change somebody in from being who they were And change them to have a heart for the lord. So again, I want everybody to pray about it Really seek God and ask God what he says because again, I don't know julie, have you heard anything about the dollar crashing?
They're trying to stop the dollar. They're trying to start the dollar crashing right now That's why you see the petro dollar. They're trying to destroy the petro dollar It's been the petro dollar for what since the 1980s or whatever it was or before I don't remember how long it's been like It's been a like 50 years or 60 years.
I might say 80 years not since 81 80 years or whatever It's been a long time since we've had the petrodollar and the united states dollar has been dominant throughout all of The world they're trying to destroy it. So what they're trying to do right now is they're trying to bring their own crash Okay, the global is trying to bring the crash Into our own markets, but remember God said that he was going to bring the crash of their babylonian system So no matter what happens if they try to do to the dollar Remember God says in his word in haggai chapter two He says the gold is mine the silver is mine and everything else is mine because it's God's And so what we had to do is we had to ask God.
Okay, lord, you said this Stock market was going to crash. You said that things were going to happen What do you want me to do? Do you want me to take money out or if you don't even some people said I don't have any money to take out This is where you have to rely on God. God is jehovah jireh your provider So if you have stocks in the stock market I am not a person you can ask about where to buy gold and silver.
I'm not going to tell you all that stuff I am not you know licensed in that kind of thing Okay. I'm also not a stock person. All right. I don't know much about them. I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff. I pay attention to what God says. So what I'm going to tell you, if you have investments, if you have stocks, if you have things in the stock market, I'm going to tell you, go to God, God will lead you, God will, God will guide you and direct you.
I've even heard of different ministers, different pastors, different people, different Christians. When it came to 2008 investors were telling them this before that stock market crash. Hey, it was in January. It crashed in August. Put your investment here, here and here. And they said, let's pray about, I'm going to pray about it first.
And then he did know I'm going to do this, this and this. And he was the only one he went opposite of what they told him the investors told him And he was the only one in that entire investment firm that actually gained money instead of lost money Why because he got God's advice not man's he got Gods Okay, the only person that people we can truly truly trust in is trust in God.
Let's see here. Let's look. Will the irs will be established? Yes, I believe the irs and the federal reserve if they're if they're not totally destroyed the IRS again, we were supposed to have taxes in this country, but not to the extreme that they are in. And of course it's been part of the establishment.
They have tried to change it. They have to try to destroy our country through the IRS and through the federal reserve, along with every other thing that they try to put in this. Country since they made it from a republic into an corporation back in the 1800s. So God is going to destroy what they stand for.
Now. I don't know if they'll totally be like, I'll have to go back and see what the prophecy said exactly about the IRS, but I know that he will destroy what they stand for. I believe that he will destroy them and the federal reserve. And he will bring in what this country in the taxation, what was supposed to be in this country to begin with.
So I do believe God is going to destroy what they're doing to us. Julie, I'm only disappointed all the gossip and the disinformation on the chats. You know what? There are people, I'm going to tell you, no matter what's going on in the chat, whether, and no matter what chat they're in, if it's this chat or if it's other chats, you have to understand that there's people that are trying to cause.
Disruption disinformation people are here not to actually listen to the Word of God. They're here to cause disruption So if you're seeing things in a chat and it's going against the Word of God or it's going against what? You believe that God is saying don't listen to it. Okay, not everybody here in those chats are good They are infiltrators that they infiltrate everywhere.
So we have to pray for discernment again, even in a live chat you pray for discernment of What is real and what is not? You Okay. Is God going to heal everyone or just ones believed? That's actually a really good question that I don't actually know for sure. I, I truly believe that God will heal everyone of his children especially who are standing on his word. And especially if you're, if you're, if you're interceding with somebody, because if you go back and this is why I'm standing on this scripture, okay.
If you go back to Exodus chapter let's see your exes in the book of Exodus right before they left. All right, right before they left Egypt. I think it's like Exodus chapter 13. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I apologize. I know we talked about in there. There's no feeble among them. So He in the Passover that night at Passover When they did exactly what he needed them to do, he healed them in their spirit, in their soul, and in their body.
And then he freed them the next day financially. Okay? And I don't believe, I don't think everybody believed in healing. I don't think that everybody believed that they were gonna get out of that mess. But God healed them all. And God is a God of covenant. He's a God of promises. So I truly believe, especially his chosen people, maybe not everybody in the earth, especially if they're not making Jesus their Lord and Savior, I don't know if they would be healed until they believe and make Jesus Lord and Savior, the people in the body of Christ.
Now, if their hearts are fixed on God. Yes, but again, people in the body of Christ can look like they are, they have the right intentions and they don't. So again, we have to be careful with that. Will God heal those? Oh, sorry. It went, it went bad fast. I can't say it anymore. I'm
trying to see
it's going so fast. I'm trying to read it.
Can I see here? Julie, can we pray against a spring? I just, where'd it go? A spring in our skies. Okay. Okay. This is where. Can we pray against the spraying in our skies? Yes. Anything that's against us. That's why it says, and you can pray this in Isaiah 54 verse 17, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
So no matter what they've done in our skies, no matter what they're doing with our food, no matter what they're doing in our government, no matter what they're doing with our economy, no matter what they're doing with our children, no matter what they're doing with propaganda, in any form of a weapon, you can pray against it.
No weapon. The enemy uses many different weapons against you. God says no weapon will prosper against you. So, yes, you can pray that the things in the sky, things in the air, things in the soil, the things in our food, the things that are going on in our medicine, the things that are going on over here, every, anything.
No weapon declare and decree that over and over and over again. Let's see here. Julie. Are we in a thousand years of peace now? No, no, we're not in a thousand years of peace now If we can tell that because there's not peace right now upon this earth. I mean there's disruptions. There's darkness. There's confusion. There's chaos There's wars and rumors of wars just like jesus talked about with the disciples I know there's a lot of people that are teaching that there's a lot of people teaching that that say that we've already through The book of revelation.
Well, that's not true because if we were through the book of revelation God said he's gonna make a new earth and lions will be able to lay against next to the lamb There won't be that kind of death and destruction We're not in the thousand year reign yet, and we're not in the book of tribulation yet.
We're in the time of where we're looking at judgment and the foreshadowing of the book of revelation, but we are not there yet. So there's a lot of disinformation even in the churches. And again, that's why you have to look to the scripture on seeing what God says Going into the book of revelation like look in and read in Thessalonians go read in the book of daniel go read and in go read the book of revelation I have read the revelation the book of revelation several different times And that's the only book in the bible where it says that you are blessed for reading it Okay, so read in the book of revelation ask God for that discernment and ask God to give you that revelation Of what you need to understand about the end times right now because there's a lot of disinformation going on in the body of christ About where we're at in time right now We're in the last of the last days.
Yes, but we are not in the tribulation yet because the antichrist is not Has not shown his face yet. Now. I believe the antichrist spirit is here I believe that person is here, but they're not in the forefront yet. So we are not in the book of a tribulation there are so many things I can go on about that But i'm gonna answer more questions right now because i'm running out of time.
I need to pray. Okay. Let's see. I'll go and answer maybe one more question. So
Let's see here.
Could we please explain about AI and will that go away? So AI is the part of the beast system. AI is meant to destroy us. It's meant to, again, it's part of that, like in the, in the tribulation period, again, you're going into the foreshadowing of the tribulation period. They're going to use a lot of things that people they're controlling.
Okay. They will control you in every way, shape, or form. That&
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