Alex Wagner on Trump’s Attacks to Harris: ‘He Smells Like Cooking Oil’

6 months ago

WAGNER: “When does that ever happen?”
COLBERT: “Also, just that politics can be fun again. It’s been so dire for so many years now.”
WAGNER: “And then, she feels that sense of confidence that she can be like, ‘I am who I am, and I think this is funny and I’m going to laugh and Trump is going to call me Laffin’ Kamala and that’s going to go nowhere,’ because the American public is okay with seeing a woman smile.”
COLBERT: “Why do you think he’s having such a hard time putting a target on her? Because he has attacked her in several different ways, he’s trying to burn her, but the fat is splashing back in his face every time, if you know what I mean.”
WAGNR: “He smells like cooking oil. I think we have, like, in some ways believed Trump’s spin that he’s some master brander, right? The reality is that Joe Biden has been in politics literally forever, and Hillary Clinton has been a known entity in American politics forever. Both of them had sort of calcified personas as far as the American public was concerned, and Trump figured out Crooked Hillary, but then he also tried out Crooked Biden. He’s not actually that good at framing people. He just kind of picks something off the floor and throws it at the wall, and it happened to work with Hillary, but in large part, both Biden and Clinton were already known. He doesn’t have that advantage with Harris, and it’s been a miserable failure. Everything he has tried is either pathetic or racist or misogynist or just not funny. It is so — I mean, I think it was Pete Wehner in The Atlantic that called him, ‘We are at the fat Elvis stage of the Trump candidacy.’”
COLBERT: “A lot of people liked fat Elvis.”
WAGNER: “I mean — “
COLBERT: “They put him on the stamp, they wanted him on the stamp.”
WAGNER: “There’s some great late-stage Elvis jams, so no disrespect to the King’s legacy, even though he may not be dead.”
COLBERT: “Is he the one who got Biden out? Was it Elvis?”
WAGNER: “You finally landed on it. By the way, I also think the time is over to actually come up with his preferred nickname.”
COLBERT: “83 days.”
WAGNER: “He’s got — he voted in the early Florida primaries today. Like, this election — “
COLBERT: “People already voted — “
WAGNER: “For the primary in Florida. Like, early voting starts in 40 days in some states. Like, the calendar is evaporating before our very eyes, and Trump’s ability, he has come out with so many bad, poisonous arrows that haven’t gone anywhere near the target. It almost seems like a futile exercise to me.”

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