The True And Faithful Are Being Driven Out Into the Wilderness

6 months ago

In these last days of evil and deception, where good is taken for evil and evil is taught in the congregations of the Lord as Doctrine; we are seeing an exodus of faithful devotees that are not only leaving, but being driven out of their places of worship. In the good year of the Lord those that saught comfort would go to their synagogues or churches and be nourished by the good word of God. The people of the Lord would nourish and carry those honest seekers on their shoulders. Not today. Today is a day of wrath, but not from the Almighty. Today those same clergy members and fellow parishioners who once were true blue have turned from the goodly shepherds they once were into ravaging wolves that would tare the flesh of those they should be serving. It is a very difficult and disheartening thing when one wants to serve the same God of yesterday today, and is confronted with a woke church that pushes and preaches commandments of men and often devils.

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