Nationalism or International Globalism?

5 months ago

My call to all Irish Citizens on the Nation Of Éire

Is to Rise Together as one Clann and Unite against the Parasites within our Dáil

When A Nation, Is Under attack and its Indigenous Peoples are under Deliberate Ethnocide, It's the duty of the Nation's people to rise and Stand against all Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic

The Deep State Have Made the Irish people weak, believing that they are Oppressors and Racist if they are to protect their own Nation and Race

What is Racism?

Racism is the belief that human races exist and these races possess different abilities and characteristics and that some races are better at some things whilst others are better at other things.

Racists Simply do not want to live in multi-racial societies, rather they want to live amongst their own kind.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Racist....

As Long as you Don't Attack People because of their differences

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