TSA Donates Your Stolen Toiletries To Nonprofits

4 months ago

Posted • August 15, 2024: A couple of years ago, a spokeswoman for the TSA posted a photo of all of the water bottles, toothpaste tubes, and jars of peanut butter that had been confiscated from passengers over the course of just three days. The limit is 3.4 oz., OK? That's what keeps us safe from another 9/11. NBC Washington reporter Joseph Olmo has a feel-good story for us all. You know all of those dangerous liquids the TSA confiscates from you before you board the plane? It turns out that Ronald Reagan National Airport has started a program to donate all of these seized toiletries to local nonprofits. Stealing your stuff and giving it to someone else makes us feel good. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - TSA Donates Your Stolen Toiletries to Nonprofits

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