Jews declared war upon the world, Jesus Christ, Moses, and the Holy Bible.

6 months ago

The Noahide Laws were passed on the Congress floor once every one had went home, 4 Jews stayed behind and passed this Law, they have no vote record of anyone in the House or Senate floor voting for this law. Sanhedrin Law 56

But they did bug Presidents to sign this law. Unaware of what they were signing, that took away all of their religious rights.

The Jews are attacking all Christians with a bogus law forcing them to worship the Talmud or get beheaded. They have hidden in this law that You can not worship the first 4 chapters of the Bible about Moses and the Law that God written called the Torah. If you follow Jesus Christ, you will be beheaded. This is an attack upon God, God's Holy Law that he wrote with his finger and gave to Moses. The Jews do not read the 5 books of the Bible called Torah; Moses' Laws.

The Jews are writing their own laws to force the world into a one world government.

This law violates your freedoms of speech and religion.

H J Resolution 104 The Noahide Laws
March 5, 1991 in Congress, and on March 7, 1991 Senate passed with fraud and no vote records; meaning that no one in the house voted on this law, except 4 Jews that stayed after everyone went home for the day.

Jews take away freedom of religion

Jews declared war upon the world


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