P-7 History of Tomb the Al-Abbas in Karbala | تاریخ مقبرہ حضرت العباس علمدار علیہ السلام

4 months ago

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History of Holiest site Tomb the Al-Abbas in Karbala


Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters, brothers friends and elders, In this Islamic informative video we are describing Part seven of remaining history of the Tomb of Al-Abbas in Karbala, a site that holds profound meaning for millions of Muslims worldwide. The video highlights the life and valor of Al-Abbas, emphasizing his contributions during the tragic events of the Battle of Karbala. By examining historical texts and contemporary perspectives, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the significance of this holy site. We are describing history of tomb and also bravely incidents in Karbala of Hazrat Abbas Alamdar (RA) in nine parts. so please watch all parts. and if you like then please share to your friends so that they also be benifit.

If you intend to take leave, approach the holy tomb and say –

I seek, through you, the guard and custody of Allah and I say Salaam to you.

We have believed in Allah and in His Messenger and in His Book and in that which he conveyed from Allah. O Allah, record our names with the witnesses.

O Allah, do not make this pilgrimage to the tomb of the son of Your Messenger’s (peace of Allah be upon him and his family) brother the last one. Grant me opportunities to visit him so long as You keep me alive, and join me to him and his fathers in the paradises, and introduce me to him, to Your Messenger, and to Your chosen ones.

O Allah, send Your blessings to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and take me to you abiding by the believing in You, giving credence to Your Messenger, being faithful to ‘Ali ibn Abi-Talib and the Imams, his descendants, and disavowing their enemy. My Lord, I have accepted such.. May Allah send blessings to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

You may then supplicate to God for yourself, your parents, the faithful believers, and the Muslims. You may choose any statement of supplication you like.19

One of the divine conferment to the faithful supporters of cause of Allah is the grant of supernatural powers to them during their lifetimes and after their death. Such powers indicate the high ranks of those chosen ones in the sight of the Lord. These are also regarded as precious rewards that the true followers of God win in this world for their righteous deeds and great service for their Lord’s sake. Furthermore, such charismata urge others to pursue the examples of such followers.

Thus, people have seen various charismata in the holy shrines and under the domes covering the tombs of the righteous individuals upon whom God conferred the items of His unique kindness and benevolence.

One of these righteous individuals was Abu’l-Fadhl al-’Abbas who won worthily the epithet of ‘the righteous servant of God’. He preceded others in the field of offering everything he had for God’s sake; therefore, the All-benevolent God rewarded him with the best rewards in this world and the world to come. His holy shrine has become the refuge for the fearful and a center for answering of the prayers.

The holy shrine of al-’Abbas has been showing countless charismata that most people witnessed and reported to one another.

Some of these have taken the form of solving the most complicated problems brought to God through the intercession of al-’Abbas. Some have taken the form of completely uprooting the incurable diseases that professional physicians could not treat. Some have taken the form of giving victory to the weak, oppressed ones. Some have taken the form of discovering the most mysterious secrets. After all, under the holy dome that covers the tomb of al-’Abbas all questions are answered and all problems are solved - all by the permission of God who instructs us to seek means that take us closer to Him:

Believers, have fear of God. Find the means to reach Him and strive hard for His cause so that you may have everlasting happiness.20

Those who want (God’s true guidance) should seek means to their Lord.

Let us now refer to some charismata shown at the holy shrine of al-’Abbas.

Sheikh Abd-ur-Raheem at-Tustari (died in AH 1313) recounted:

In the holy precinct of the tomb of Abu’l-Fadhl al-’Abbas there was an Arab boy, who was paralyzed, tied to the window covering the tomb. With this boy I saw a man, who seemed to be his father, entreating earnestly al-’Abbas to give cure to the boy. Soon after that, the boy stood up and shouted: “Al-’Abbas has cured me!” People who were present there gathered around the boy and tore his clothes for seeking blessings through them…22

Sayyid Ahmed al-Haairi recounted:

I was with a group of the servants of the holy shrine of al-’Abbas when a man went out in a hurry. He was putting his hand on the root of his pinkie from which blood was flowing. We were told that this man had despised al-’Abbas who cut his pinkie. On the widow covering the tomb, we found the pinkie of that man without a single drop of blood.

so sisters brothers and friends, inshaAllah tomorow we will be described remaining part of History of Holiest site Tomb the Al-Abbas in Karbala, in next part eight. Allah Hafiz


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