Divine Female Empress Energy Vlog

6 months ago

Divine Female Empress Energy Vlog Title is from the date August 14, 2024 thus 30 which adds to #3 the Empress card she of divine nature grace beauty creativity she is the Earth Mother. The Empress came up in the reading I did on the Michael jaco interview of Lousugomo a illuminati whistleblower which the tarot reading with a whole lot of Swords the Empress and Devil com g up in the clarifiers.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us two amplitudes, The first a power of 21 at 1:15 AM UTC thus the Chariot of the gods swiftly decended n onto the World to end the wars that have torn humanity to its core. The second amplitude power of 12 at 3:15 PM UTC thus the Hermit get together with the Hanged man to talk of enlightenment of the Aeon of Aquarius. The quality is a power of seven the chariot telling us to take charge a guide our ship to is home port The frequency Average is 7.72 hertz thus the
Tower card the fallen structure of our financial System is coming down by September 2024,

Space Weather site showed us a X Class CME coming strat ht at us. The Kp index started with a level four in the yellow zone then dropped to a level 3.25 then a level two the high priestess then ended the day at a level of one the Magician.

Michael Jaco's interview of Lou sugamo which I used the tarot card to see if he was actually a illuminati Whistleblower which it appears he is.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather Site:
Michael Jaco interview of Lousumago the Illuminati Whistleblower on the Middle East conflict :

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