Care Unlimited

6 months ago

There is so much to love about our God! He does care for us well in that unlimited way of His. He is not limited in His care for us because He knows us well. He designed our shape, so that means His care for us is unlimited care. He doesn’t give us more than what we can handle. He knows us! His Care is Care Unlimited! Awe-GOD!

God knows what we can handle. I am sure you all know that God wants us to “grow through” this life. I have done some growing! How about you? In order to grow, sometimes we need to be stretched in that way we come face to face with our weakness, our inabilities, and our human condition. These times can make us a bit soul weary, yet we can trust that God knows how far He can push us in our growth seasons, and we can trust in His Unlimited Care for us.

Care Unlimited! God deeply cares for us, therefore growing through life should not be as scary as we make it out to be. God will not leave us in our growth seasons, He will be with us as we grow through hard times. Sometimes we feel that we can’t take another day of soul rain. Ever felt that way. I can’t take another day of this! God knows our limits. God cares.

Sometimes when we are at our “wits end” God will give us a break in the trial, and we know it is Him, adding some light in the darkness of our trying time we find ourselves in. God wants us to grow, He wants us to be more like His character, and some times that takes some needed character building growth. But, when we feel we can’t take another day of growing through the hard situation we are in, God steps in and gives us that breakthrough in the caring comfort that He is famous for, it is Care Unlimited.

God knows what we can handle and He will break into our chaos with His peace, and shatter the darkness with His incredible light of revelation. When we don’t feel like we can handle another moment, God intervenes with His peace and care, and we feel soul rest. I love that about God’s Unlimited Care, He knows what I can handle. He knows me intimately! He knows me more than anyone else will ever know me, and He knows how to comfort me at the absolutely perfect time. He is awesome!

I don’t like those hard “growing through” seasons, but I don’t mind them so much because I know God will be with me with His unlimited care! He is not limited by time, position, strength, wisdom, power, knowledge, and help, He is the all of our everything! Unlimited Care, this is our Care Unlimited God!

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