"These Admissions Are So SHOCKING" Journalist Shows Footage Kamala Harris Does NOT Want You to See

6 months ago

▶🚨WATCH: David Daleiden discusses recent shocking undercover releases with Emerald Robinson on FrankSpeech TV showing Planned Parenthood admitting to partial-birth abortions and sale of body parts that Kamala Harris tried to cover up:

"As California Attorney General Kamala Harris weaponized the powers of her office in order to protect the powerful special interests in the abortion industry led by Planned Parenthood, who were her chief political sponsors...

And all your viewers need to do is watch the latest footage that we just released last week. That is part of the footage that @KamalaHarris seized from my apartment eight years ago. This is footage that Planned Parenthood has spent years and millions of dollars to cover up and make sure that the public could not see it. It's finally coming out for the first time."

#PPSellsBabyParts #KamalaHarris #weaponizationofDOJ #ScamalaHarris #plannedparenthood #DavidDaleiden #prolife

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