Friends and family that are on the opposite side of the political table.

2 months ago

Almost all of us have a family member or close friend who's political affiliations are opposed to ours. That's just how life goes. My wife and I had some close friends Jim and Judy that were some of the nicest people we have ever met. For myself they made me happy just to be around them. However; they were hard Core democrats. So we just didn't talk politics.
All of us that have this challenge with family and friends need to always put the relationship first because relationships are more important then any disagreement we may have with some one. From my experience some of those people will see enough dishonest dealing and lies from the democrats that they have no choice but to vote for the conservatives. Yes and and on a rare occasion a conservative will switch sides to the democrats. For the most part however; when people actually investigate what the socialist democrats are planning for America they are eager to become a conservative.

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