Episode 2416: Overcoming Pride - Morning Episode

4 months ago

Welcome to today’s podcast episode, where we explore a deeply relevant topic for our times: the spiritual poison of indifference and the remedy that lies in the praise of God and the embrace of His infinite mercy. We will be guided by the wisdom of St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Catherine of Siena, and the Book of Proverbs, as we delve into how these teachings can help us combat the pervasive indifference in our world and lead us to a life of righteousness and honor.
The Poison of Indifference and the Call to Praise God
St. Maximilian Kolbe, a martyr of charity, saw clearly the dangers that indifference poses to the soul and to society as a whole. He famously stated, "The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." — St. Maximilian Kolbe
This indifference is not just a lack of interest or concern, but a spiritual numbness that blinds us to the presence of God and the needs of our neighbor.
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to become indifferent. We are constantly bombarded with information, entertainment, and distractions that can dull our spiritual senses. This indifference is a subtle but powerful force that erodes our love for God and our commitment to living out our faith. St. Maximilian urges us to resist this poison by striving to praise God to the greatest extent of our powers.
Praising God is an act of the will that requires us to turn our hearts and minds toward Him, acknowledging His goodness and majesty. It is through praise that we break free from the chains of indifference and rekindle our love for God. Praise lifts us out of ourselves and aligns us with the divine will, opening our hearts to receive the grace we need to live a life of virtue.
The Mercy of God as the Antidote to Despair
While indifference is a grave danger, so too is the despair that can arise when we focus too much on our own sinfulness without also considering God’s boundless mercy. St. Catherine of Siena, in her dialogues with God, warns of the devil’s cunning strategy to lead souls into despair by causing them to dwell excessively on their sins. She emphasizes that while it is important to be aware of our sins, we must never lose sight of the mercy of God.
"I do not wish the soul to consider her sins, either in general or in particular, without also remembering the Blood and the broadness of My mercy, for fear that otherwise she should be brought to confusion. And together with confusion would come the Devil, who has caused it, under colour of contrition and displeasure of sin, and so she would arrive at eternal damnation, not only on account of her confusion, but also through the despair which would come to her, because she did not seize the arm of My mercy. This is one of the subtle devices with which the Devil deludes My servants, and, in order to escape from his deceit, and to be pleasing to Me, you must enlarge your hearts and affections in My boundless mercy, with true humility. Thou knowest that the pride of the devil cannot resist the humble mind, nor can any confusion of spirit be greater than the broadness of My good mercy, if the soul will only truly hope therein." —St. Catherine Of Siena
St. Catherine tells us that God does not want us to fall into confusion or despair because of our sins. Instead, He wants us to remember the Blood of Christ and the vastness of His mercy. When we focus solely on our sins, we risk falling into a despair that can lead to eternal damnation. This despair is a tool of the devil, who seeks to isolate us from God’s love and mercy.
The antidote to this despair is humility and trust in God’s mercy. By enlarging our hearts and affections in God’s mercy, we resist the pride of the devil and open ourselves to the healing and transformative power of God’s grace. It is this humility and trust that protect us from the devil’s snares and keep us firmly rooted in God’s love.
The Pursuit of Righteousness and Kindness
The Book of Proverbs offers us a blueprint for living a life that is pleasing to God: He who pursues righteousness and kindness will find life and honor. A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the stronghold in which they trust." — Proverbs 21:21-22
This passage highlights the virtues that we must actively pursue to combat the spiritual dangers of indifference and despair.
Righteousness and kindness are not passive qualities; they require deliberate action and a commitment to living according to God’s commandments. To pursue righteousness is to seek justice and holiness in all areas of our lives. It means standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult, and striving to live in accordance with God’s will.
Kindness, on the other hand, is the expression of love toward others. It is through acts of kindness that we reflect the mercy and compassion of God to the world. Kindness breaks down barriers and builds bridges, creating a culture of life and love in a world that is often marked by indifference and division.
The wisdom of Proverbs also reminds us that true strength and security do not lie in worldly power or possessions but in our trust in God. The "strongholds" in which the mighty trust are ultimately fragile, but the person who relies on God will find true security and peace.
In today’s episode, we have explored the spiritual dangers of indifference and despair, and the remedies that lie in the praise of God, trust in His mercy, and the pursuit of righteousness and kindness. St. Maximilian Kolbe challenges us to resist the poison of indifference by striving to praise God in all things, while St. Catherine of Siena reminds us of the boundless mercy of God that we must embrace to avoid despair. The wisdom of Proverbs encourages us to actively pursue the virtues that lead to true life and honor.
As we go forth, let us strive to praise God with all our hearts, trust in His infinite mercy, and commit ourselves to a life of righteousness and kindness. In doing so, we will overcome the spiritual challenges of our time and live a life that is pleasing to God.
Thank you for joining us today. May God bless you and strengthen you in your journey of faith.

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