Unknown Facts About Holocaust - Things You Don't Want to Know

6 months ago

Unknown Facts About Holocaust - Things You Don't Want to Know

In this video, we delve into the history and causes of one of the darkest periods in human history: the Holocaust. We begin by asking why did the Holocaust happen, and explore how did the Holocaust begin by taking a deep dive into history. Our discussion will explore the causes of the Holocaust, providing valuable lessons from history to understand why the Holocaust happened and the factors behind the atrocity.
We answer what led to the Holocaust, we also look at how the Holocaust was allowed to happen, and provide insights into the origins of the Holocaust and how and why it unfolded. We explain the Holocaust in detail and why people let the Holocaust happen, in an effort to uncover the truth.
Additionally, we will reveal 10 shocking facts you didn't know about the Holocaust, shedding light on the untold stories of the Holocaust and what you haven't heard. Discover hidden history with little-known facts about the Holocaust, and find out what you don't know about the Holocaust through surprising discoveries. Learn about the Holocaust's forgotten victims and stories you haven't heard, as we explore unknown facts about the Holocaust and reveal the darkest secrets.We uncover the Holocaust's hidden histories, and sharing surprising facts about the Holocaust that aren't taught in schools. This video will expose the darkest secrets of the Holocaust, revealing what history books don’t tell you.

What were the psychological effects of the Holocaust on Nazi concentration camp guards and what is the psychology of Holocaust perpetrators and the impact of propaganda on Holocaust perpetrators. We discuss the role of concentration camp guards in the Holocaust and how they carried out mass murders at infamous sites such as Dachau and Auschwitz. We also examine the justification for killing Jews by Nazi guards and the realities of executions in WW2 (like the Dachau executions and the Dachau).

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Michael Berenbaum is an American scholar, professor, rabbi, writer, and filmmaker, who specializes in the study of the Holocaust.

- get his books: https://amzn.to/4cf3UNL
- his website: https://www.berenbaumgroup.com/
- university website https://www.aju.edu/faculty/michael-b...

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