飛機失事中喪生的醫生發誓要公佈將 mRNA 與渦輪癌聯繫起來的證據 Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo Cancer

2 months ago


#飛機失事 中喪生的 #醫生 發誓要公佈將 #mRNA 與 #渦輪癌症 聯繫起來的證據

#Doctor s Killed in #PlaneCrash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to #TurboCancer


八名致力於拯救他人並揭露席捲全球的毀滅性渦輪癌症流行病的 #癌症 醫生被發現死亡。

週五,六名世界頂尖 #腫瘤學家 和兩名住院醫生的屍體在一架從 #巴西 空中墜落並在火球中爆炸的飛機殘骸中被發現,機上 62 人全部遇難。

這些醫生當時正前往 #聖保羅 參加一個國際會議,他們準備在會上介紹他們的研究結果,即 mRNA 和 #新冠疫苗 是導致當今世界各地渦輪癌症和 #自身免疫性疾病 爆發的原因。

#主流媒體 正在加班加點地代表 #大型制藥公司 掩蓋這個故事,但事實確鑿,我們不會讓他們掩蓋真相。

Eight #Cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating #TurboCancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

The bodies of six world-leading #Oncologist s and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in #Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

The doctors were on their way to an international conference in #SaoPaolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the #Covid19Vaccine s are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and #AutoimmuneDisease wreaking havoc around the world today.

#MainStreamMedia are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of #BigPharma , but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v5aszxh-doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed-to-release-evidence-linking-mrna-to-tur.html

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