Green - or Greed? Come hear Neil Oliver at our 3rd anniversary event, Fri 20 Sep!

6 months ago

GREEN - OR GREED? “They're telling us wind farms, solar panels, electric cars are saving the planet, when all require wholesale pillage of irreplaceable ecosystems.

"None of it seems 'green' to me. On the contrary, it looks only about greed"

Come hear Neil Oliver at our 3rd anniversary event on Fri 20 Sep!

⏰ Don’t miss out on early bird tickets:

Neil joins Katharine Birbalsingh, Zuby, Allison Pearson, Baroness Claire Fox, Dan Wootton, Beverley Turner, live music from Dominic Frisby + one or two more speakers TBA!

⏰ Don’t miss out on early bird tickets:

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