TETSU S2E32 special episode with Rachel Krebs-Trisilla and Jenn Blackwell

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Join Michael Kopf for a special episode with Rachel Krebs-Trisilla and Jenn Blackwell. This special episode is a make-up episode as Rachel was scheduled earlier and could not make it due to illness. Rachel DeMicco is originally a native of the San Francisco Bay Area, in California and moved to
Nashville in 2019. In 2022, Rachel decided to pursue her dreams of investigating the paranormal and joined Elite Vixen Paranormal, an all-female team. In July of 2024, Rachel decided to start her own venture and began Sinister Sisters Paranormal Investigations with her friend Jennifer Blackwell. Their focus is on educating a new crop of paranormal enthusiasts on investigating the realm of the paranormal. Rachel’s passion for the paranormal began at a young age and with her ghostly encounter as a kid. Rachel considers herself an empath and has sensitivities to paranormal energies. As an investigator, Rachel believes there are things out there we don’t fully understand, but she needs hard evidence to prove a haunting is real. Rachel works currently managing a dental practice but has spent the past 15 years in both the medical and dental fields in management of various specialties. She also is the co-owner of an up-and-coming brewery Dark Shadow Brewing Co. which will be opening within the next year in Nashville area.
Jennifer is a paranormal enthusiast with almost a year of experience. With a birthday in October, Jenn was born to love everything paranormal, spooky and supernatural. She enjoys going on haunted adventures and meeting new people while learning about the history of locations, working with ghost hunting equipment and engaging with likeminded people that share her passion.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61563070797179

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