Shriners, Synagogue of Satan, Mohammed's Descendants Control Masons Who Say They're Jews But Aren't - TRUE OR NOT?

2 months ago

Freemasonry Claims a Judeo/Christian Facade, but we see Top Freemasons swear a Blood oath on the Koran, to Allah, and the Messenger: Prophet Mohammed. Our Protestant Western Society has been infiltrated at every level, by the servants of Mohammed's Royal Bloodline. The Two Empires Rise once again. The Royal Military Knights Orders of the Crown Claim to have a "Jewish Problem" to which they Propose a "Final Solution". But what is this problem? Namely its the Holy Bible, Which outlines a law based form of Government upon which our Constitutions are based, and which exposes the Mysteries of the Kings and their rule by Empire, with the Priests of their sick murderous False god Blackmail Proxy Mystery School Cults, at the heart of which lies Satan, Lucifer, that Old Serpent, with that same goal, to wipe out humanity. Its time to wake up, in the Protestant Western World, we are all their "Jewish Problem" and they aim to kill 95%


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