Consortium News - Musk's AI Contradicts Trump, says language could be lethal

2 months ago

Consortium News
Aug 13, 2024
Musk's AI Contradicts Trump, says language could be lethal
Conversation with Musk's AI, Grok, about claims made by Donald Trump
about asylum seekers in the United States, and how his 'call to action' might be interpreted.

Tell me about Did Trump misspeak?

"We have to get rid of the criminals that have been given to us by other countries...These are radical stone cold killers in many cases, and terrorists. And they're in our country by the hundreds of thousands. And we have to take them out." @realDonaldTrump

in 1 or 2 sentences.

Yes, according to the available information, it appears that Trump misspoke when he claimed that "hundreds of thousands" of criminals and terrorists were brought to the U.S. by other countries. There is no evidence to support such a high number of criminals or terrorists entering the country.

What did Trump mean by "take them out" and how could this be interpreted by millions of Americans?

Based on the context and information available, when Trump said "take them out," he likely meant to remove or deport the criminals and terrorists he was referring to. This phrase can be interpreted in a literal sense, meaning to physically remove or take away these individuals from the country. However, the phrase can also be interpreted in a more metaphorical or figurative sense, meaning to eliminate or get rid of these individuals from society, which could be seen as more aggressive or extreme.

Given the polarized nature of American politics and the tendency for Trump's statements to be interpreted in various ways, it is likely that millions of Americans would interpret "take them out" differently. Supporters of Trump might interpret it in a more literal sense, focusing on the need to remove criminals and terrorists from the country. Critics of Trump might interpret it more metaphorically, suggesting a more aggressive or extreme approach.

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