Wikipedia deleted JD Vance’s Military Awards & restored after backlash

2 months ago

Soviet Media games being played on America and the entire West. The enemy of freedom is in charge.
Wikipedia deleted JD Vance’s Military Awards & restored after backlash

Bill Clinton’s Wikipedia was scrubbed of Jeffrey Epstein

This isn’t new, Julian Assange exposed the people who control the internet archives have been deleting & changing information including our history. the information is only in one place & the wrong people are in charge of it

Who thinks Eon Musk should create a new complete, protected, publicly available archive?

“Archives of information have been centralized on computers. The Guardian's archives are only in one place. They're not in libraries all across the nation that people look for. They're only looked for on the Internet. And because of copyright legislation, they're not copied elsewhere to other places on the Internet.

So when something disappears from the archives, the electronic archives for the West to which all information is moving into, it is gone forever. It has not only ceased to have existed, it has ceased to have ever have existed. And when you go to those web pages that have been removed from Western papers, you won't see the taillines, you will just see page not found, you won't see anything in the index at all. We are now approaching the state of Orwell's dictum, perfect dictum that he who controls the present controls the past. He who controls Internet servers controls the intellectual record of mankind, and by controlling that, controls our perceptions of who we are and by controlling that, controls what laws and regulations we make in society.”

Mal Antoni is tasked with transferring Twitter clips to Rumble and YouTube format due to so many who write in to Whatfinger News and complain that they refuse to view Twitter clips. No idea why, as Elon Musk is not in charge of the old Twitter. We restrict comments until the end, but this is the only way to get around censorship and rules, and not get into trouble... so enjoy the clips with minimum comments.

The News Variable Show, with Mal Antoni hosting... All controversial statements by Mr. Antoni are his own opinions. If you don't like them, don't watch. If you are one of those nut cases who watch just to complain, get a life or stick to fake news. We have no time for your BS. America needs patriots that just say it like it is. If you don't like it, too damn bad. Mr. Antoni is now the main editor over at Whatfinger News, the greatest aggregate news site out there - with more news and commentary daily than the next 7 competitors combined. Experience it once and you're hooked
------DISCLAIMER: This show contains opinions of the host and guests and is meant for education and/or entertainment purposes only. News Variable provides information and the sources where it was obtained. Viewer discretion is advised.

Email for any reason - or check out my new account over at Twitter, Not used much yet but it is also have a Facebook that I don't use - and never check yet. I will eventually, maybe. I'm not too happy with their propaganda and censorship

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